It's official

We started with 5 and three months later we have 17 ( we lost 3). They bring me so much joy everyday! My 3 and 7 year old sons love feeding them and playing with them. I am also amazed at how easy they are! I can't wait to build another coop and get some fun fancy chickens. We have mostly Plymouth Bard Rocks now and while they are hardy and friendly, it would be nice to mix it up a bit.
Ohhh, I understand! I am up to 12! It is really bad when you want a couple from all these different breeds that you see on BYC!

I can not wait till spring to locate more chickens in breeds that I now want!
So glad to be among my people! I really get the calming effects of just being around the flock. I will fight my kids to get to go feed them or look for eggs just to be able to stand out there and look at them.

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