It's time for me to admit I have a problem...

Those eyes. 😍

I love them so much! 😍

I understand your obsession. He’s quite a handsome fellow. My boy doesn’t do nearly as many interesting poses, but I have a butt-ton of photos of him sleeping. Yeah, I get it. 😉

Ahaha, yeah, Casper's a bit of a contortionist in his sleep 🤣 I'm a firm believer that all sleeping kitties are precious and worth taking about a million pictures of, though. 😊 Feel free to share any of your pictures if you'd like!
... 😊 Feel free to share any of your pictures if you'd like!
Since you asked .... Sebastian, 16 y/o

Having some internet issues from the snowstorm we had these past few days. 😩 This one is from earlier as well, finally getting it uploaded now. When you have to leave a sleeping cat who was snuggled up against you so you nestle a pillow up next to them so they can still be comfortable :love

Casper's gone loony this morning, racing around the house like a madman :th This picture makes him look calm but he raced from my bedroom, down the stairs, across the living room, across the back of the couch, onto the hutch behind it, and up the curtain for the lower window to get here.


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