I can't stand that there are so many people that already have their babies. I'm so jealous! I just ordered my baby chicks from MPC and are expecting them to ship mid April (Cochin, SLW, GLW, and LBL). I'll be picking up some australorps and EE at the local feed store. We actually went by the feed store yesterday to pick up some hardware cloth and they had baby chicks there (and puppies). My DS (6 yo) was SO excited about the chicks he didn't even care about the puppies! I'm splitting my chicks with my mom and SIL so I should only end up with about 5 or 6 total (haven't decided if I'm keeping a leghorn yet). I'll begin builing my coop the first or second weekend in March (probably second, my DD's 4th birthday is the first weekend). Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! My kids (ok, and me too) have been telling everyone they run into that we're getting chickens. We live in a small town, but we're still inside city limits and not on a farm by any means. Mostly people are excited for us, and I've even had a few offers to buy eggs from me when they start laying. But yesterday I ran into my first nay-sayer, she thought I was joking at first. Pooh, I'm still excited.
a few questions though:
I've kind of drug my DH into this with little input from him. He finally sat me down yesterday and said "WHY?!". I told him that I thought it would be cool to raise the chickens, get our own eggs, and they would make some easy to care for pets for the kids (and help teach them responsibility). His reply: "that's it?"........so are there any other reasons out there for a backyard flock? I grew up on a farm, and collecting eggs (slopping pigs, watering the horses, cows, and sheep, etc...) when I was little and I know that part of me is excited to see my kids experience a part of that. Oh, I have a garden too, and I told him that we could use the poo for fertilzer, but that was kind of a hollow point since he doesn't care about the garden either. Hit me with your best pro-chicken arguments
We just did our taxes (we're using part of our tax refund to purchase the chickens and build their coop) and I noticed that there's a space for 'hobby expenses'. (We get a bigger refund if we itemize) Does anyone keep track of your expenses for your chickens during the year (feed, cost of chicks, straw/pine bedding, etc...) and then deduct it on taxes? I'm thinking that it might be pretty cool if we could deduct our expenses for keeping chickens. Anybody have any thoughts about that?
a few questions though:
I've kind of drug my DH into this with little input from him. He finally sat me down yesterday and said "WHY?!". I told him that I thought it would be cool to raise the chickens, get our own eggs, and they would make some easy to care for pets for the kids (and help teach them responsibility). His reply: "that's it?"........so are there any other reasons out there for a backyard flock? I grew up on a farm, and collecting eggs (slopping pigs, watering the horses, cows, and sheep, etc...) when I was little and I know that part of me is excited to see my kids experience a part of that. Oh, I have a garden too, and I told him that we could use the poo for fertilzer, but that was kind of a hollow point since he doesn't care about the garden either. Hit me with your best pro-chicken arguments
We just did our taxes (we're using part of our tax refund to purchase the chickens and build their coop) and I noticed that there's a space for 'hobby expenses'. (We get a bigger refund if we itemize) Does anyone keep track of your expenses for your chickens during the year (feed, cost of chicks, straw/pine bedding, etc...) and then deduct it on taxes? I'm thinking that it might be pretty cool if we could deduct our expenses for keeping chickens. Anybody have any thoughts about that?