January Hatch-a-long 2018

i went out to my brooder to see how the chicks were doing and they are doing really good i can seee in the ones that hatched yesterday and the ones that hatched the 19th and the 20 are bigger they get big so fast they are already getting little feathers on them they get big so fast and they get big too fast good luck every one with yalls hatch :jumpy:jumpy:pop:thumbsup:highfive:
im thinking of getting some quail eggs to incubate but ive never had quail before would i need another coop

It's not a good idea to keep quail and chickens in the same coop. At least not in the same dirt.

I keep mine in wire rabbit cages or rabbit hutches. So they never are on dirt. My chickens clean up the feed the quail knock out.
With my still air I always put the thermometer on top of the eggs to keep track of the temp. This octagon 40 incubator I borrowed she said was running hot, so I trusted the temp on the thermometer that was on the eggs,( not the incubator's reading)., which I always kept at about 100. I am still a few hr. from day 20, and wanted to add a sponge to my incubator, and more water, so I candled the eggs while I was in there, (I know i said I would not but if they are not pipped, I don't mind.) they seem to be behind, they are not in their aircells yet. I will forgive them, since they were shipped eggs, I did not wait the full 24 hrs before putting in incubator, but I did try and get them room temp and keep them upright for a few days, they still may have taken longer to develop since they were shipped, I noticed they didn't develop as fast as I was used to. I don't know if it is because of this incubator, or because of the shipped. I put some of my eggs in at the same time, eggs like to time it so they all hatch at the same time, so even though you think the non-shipped eggs would look different , they don't. I have to be even more patient than normal!AHHrgh!:th
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