Japanese Bantam with Prolapsed Vent


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
Brockton, MA
I have a japanese bantam with a prolapsed vent. I found her saturday evening when I was checking on my girls. She had an egg stuck to her and was bleeding. I managed to get the egg off without it breaking but I cant get the vent to stay in. How long can this take? I've been giving her warm baths several times a day, cleaning the vent and it almost immediately comes back out. It looks as though there is dead tissue on it but I can't get it off. She is eating and pooping fine and acts normal. I don't know what else to do. I have tried the sugar on her vent. I just bought some prep H for the vent. Is 3 days with the vent out too long? Is there hope for her? I have her separated from the other 2 girls I have and she seems to be perfectly happy.
If she's eating and pooping normally, that's GREAT.

I would try the preparation H and continue to keep pushing it back in as often as you can. Also, it helps to use cool water on the vent when trying to push it back in - or before putting the prep H on it.....helps minimize inflammation.

Question, do you mean that you can't get it to stay in for very long or that it pops right back out? If it's popping right back out, you may not be ....how to put this......inserting whatever you're using far enough in. I had a chick that did that, and i used q-tips. It worked really well. Maybe that would help with your bantam.

Like i said, if she's eating and pooping normally and not losing weight, that's awesome! I would keep working with her vent as much as i needed to to get it back to normal. I would also try to keep her in the dark so as to keep her from needing to lay more eggs before her vent is fixed.
Thanks. I think you're probably right. I may not be pushing it in far enough. I'm so afraid of hurting her. I'm going to keep trying. She acts just fine. A happy little chicken. Anyone have any ideas on the dead tissue. Do you think it will fall off eventually?

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