japanese beetles snacks


15 Years
Jun 3, 2008
I am not overly fond of Japanese Beetles, but neither do I want to spray them, so someone directed me to this beetle trap which seems like a good idea. But someone else suggested that instead of a trash bag at the bottom, I direct it into my chicken run! Then the beetles fall out the bottom and the chickens can get some protein. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it's an interesting idea, so I thought I'd share
OOOOOhhhhhhhhhh......WE have a Jap Beetle problem here in OUR yard as well and had the SAME thought! Kind of........

We thought we would "catch" them with the traps and give our girls them to chomp on.

ANYONE here tried this? We get these is spades and I have wondered this myself.
Yeah, it would be kind of the same, just with the middle step cut out. Seems like it would work. Definitely easier than picking them off, which is what I do now!
I purchased 3 lures to place on posts in my run. I watched the young chickens chase the beetles down and eat them last summer and figured that the lures will make it a little easier for them to catch them and bring more into the run. Free protein!!
OK, now I know. I will tell hubby to put the "lures" near the coop so my girls can munch. THANK you all so much for the advice/feedback.
What a great idea!!! I had a hen growing up, Peepers. I would hold her and go around and around the Rose of Sharons (Jap beetle magnets) and let her pick off as many as she could down. ...after an hour, the bushes were still loaded!

*never plant rose of sharons*
I'm going to have to start starving my birds or something. Mine will not eat all these bugs that everyone else feeds there chickens. Mine love warms but the bugs I want to get rid of they leave alone. I have a to of rollies that others say is a treat for there birds & mine wont touch them. They wont eat a moth, caterpillar, potato bug, or any harmful bugs. They love my red worms & night crawlers in my garden though.

I envy those that have bug eating birds.

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