Java Thread

So I have been reading, reading here, then went to the Java Club of America web site, hope it is ok to mention that here, I found a FB page link there for Java breeders with tons of pictures. My poor little hatchery hen is so sad looking compared to what she is supposed to look like! But, I love her all the same, she gives me an egg every day, and is very sweet, and she started me on this path of wanting to breed Javas.

Next up I am ordering a Standard, so I know exactly what a real Java is supposed to look like. Learning as I go makes it all the more fun!
So I have been reading, reading here, then went to the Java Club of America web site, hope it is ok to mention that here, I found a FB page link there for Java breeders with tons of pictures. My poor little hatchery hen is so sad looking compared to what she is supposed to look like! But, I love her all the same, she gives me an egg every day, and is very sweet, and she started me on this path of wanting to breed Javas.

Next up I am ordering a Standard, so I know exactly what a real Java is supposed to look like. Learning as I go makes it all the more fun!
I think your girls are very nice !
Not sad at all, healthy & quite lovely, nice straight backs.
I still need a new engine for my truck...........
I have no idea where to look ! Any pointers here ?
It is one of those gas engines converted to Diesel...and it is dead, so now I have to do a whole is a bad dream, enough of that.
My Javas have been laying a week now...appropriately at Easter !
Weather has been so nice here it is almost scarey, too warm, way too early, hope it does not stay dry all spring !
Anyone have any hens broody yet ?
Anyone have any hens broody yet ?
Not yet here - but had an interesting find in the boxes yesterday.

Generally, there's eggs in two of the three nest boxes - have 6 hens, and get anywhere from 3-6eggs/day - and have all winter long. But yesterday, I found ALL the eggs laid in a 'nest' on the floor in a corner?! Someone either took all the eggs out of the nesting boxes and moved them to the floor - or someone must have started laying in the corner and everyone else said, "oh what a good idea!" - the corner they chose happened to be closest to the feeder!

Wierd Java's!
I have no idea where you could look for an engine that has been converted??? Might try some health food stores or maybe look in N Cali. There has to be some networking somewhere you could search. Have you tried Google or Yahoo search.

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