Java Thread

Curious note about Java's and broody behavior....

Our Java's are now 3yrs old. So this is our third year with broody Java's. Curiously enough, each year, the SAME hen starts off the broody season - and she's consistently starting the week AFTER the Garfield show! It's getting so I'm thinking she's hiding a little calendar in the nesting box, checking off days!

She's got 7 eggs under her at the moment (unless someone snuck one in today)....and her sisters typically follow suit the week after she starts sitting. So, in a matter of a month, I'll have a population explosion - typically have 4 broodies with at least 3 eggs under each. I do try to limit who's got what under her. So once I know a hen is serious, I move eggs from a hen with too many, to a hen with fewer under her.

Did I mention the 13 chicks we hatched out in March and April? Yikes! I'm going to need a bigger coop! (Don't tell dh - we're supposed to be working on landscaping and installing an orchard this year!)

Of the 4 broody Black Java's in our flock of 6 hens this spring, we have 14 chicks with 1 egg remaining under one hen. If the egg hasn't hatched by morning, I'll put it in an incubator so Momma can tend to her chicks.

Two hens are 'timesharing' their chicks. Both sets hatched about the same time (3 days apart) - and so, when out in the yard, the chicks flit back and forth between the mommas. It all seems to work out - Mom's have alternate corners in the coop at night and chicks beneath they seem to have figured out an amicable arrangement. and two sets of eyes are better than one for our yards are patrolled by two pairs of hawks! Eek!

Tonight, one Momma has taken her chicks up onto the roost bar (they're now about 3wks old) - and two are perched atop Mom! So funny! Can't get a picture, as the coop is too dark for it to turn out. There's cheeps coming from underneath her as well, so I suspect there's a chick under each wing also! I just hope those perching chicks can hang on in the dark!

New coop has been designed, now to find supplies for the build. I better get going, as the coop is made to hold 12 and we're now up to 11 adults, 14 chicks!

I am trying to contact him about a old line of Mottle Javas I found from the late Dr. Albert McGraw of Alabama .

I have two sources who have this old gene pool. One in Texas and one in Pensacola Florida. This is a line that I thought was long gone maybe over thirty years of age and pure with no outcross of blacks in them.

If you can send me this information by personnel message I would be great full. He is a historian of the beeed and maybe able to help me on the history of this line.

Good Tread yu guys have here. Robert Blosl Heritage Large Fowl Tread originator on this site.
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talked to Jim tonight the strain started out in 1959 he raised up two hundred birds at one time and improved the egg production from 15 eggs to 150 eggs in about 30 years. This is a old strain of Mottled Javas. Jim is going to get ten chicks from us next spring. Hope to have ten more to share to a serious Mottled Java want a be breeder. bob
talked to Jim tonight the strain started out in 1959 he raised up two hundred birds at one time and improved the egg production from 15 eggs to 150 eggs in about 30 years. This is a old strain of Mottled Javas. Jim is going to get ten chicks from us next spring. Hope to have ten more to share to a serious Mottled Java want a be breeder. bob
Great information! Thanks for sharing! Glad Jim is going to be breeding the MJ again, and from stock that you were able to rescue. So did he at one time own the same line that you are breeding now? Can you please update us here on this thread with any information on the MJ that Jim may share with you! It is kinda quiet here, but maybe that will change.
There is The Java Breeders of America club and a quarterly newsletter with additional Java information. Yes, this thread has been pretty quiet lately hasn't it?
Thanks, I have been to the Java Breeders web page often, and never saw the newsletter. Checking it out now......... Yep, is there another Java thread that is more active? Am I missing something?

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