Java Thread

Wow! Great pics of a sweet Java mother and some BCM chicks! Love it! Two of my favorite breeds!

I would love for one of my hends to go broody. I had a SLW go on New Years Eve and she made it about 10-12 days. She gave up and those eggs got cold. Wish I had my bator then. I broke a few of the eggs and they were really coming along. Sad

That Java hen is nice looking and wow, what a sweet mother!
haTHOR beautiful pics. Love the little ones. I'm also trying to learn about all this chicken stuff and love the java breed. I haven't heard about that they used RIR to get back to auburns. I would think if they would have the auburns would be without the spangleing and would be more of a mahogany.

is a link to Christine Heinrich's blog with a link to a short story and video about the Auburn Javas. There are some people that are trying to find the Auburn genes that the Java once expressed. This is not being done by breeding them to "red birds". These crosses would be just that, crosses. They would not be Auburn Javas. It is being done by taking the Black Javas that have hatched showing "red", "rusting", or whatever someone may choose to call it, and breeding those birds to each others to see what pattern was expressed. Lyle Behl has the most time invested. His website link has been posted here several times, if anyone was interested in knowing more. It is there that he mentions the spangling pattern and his pursuit of it. Hopefully, he will post some updates on his website soon.

Easter Eggers are not Ameraucanas and Java/red crosses are not Auburn Javas. Please don't assume all of us that have Auburn Javas are crossbreeding them. Mine are Java. I've posted pics of mine before but here are a couple of pictures taken today. I only have three, one cockerel and two pullets. They all expressed the "rusty head" at hatch but each has varying degrees of color.

This is the cockerel. I don't know if you can see his leg and sole color in the first pic or not. The others are to see what you think about his type.



well if you have followed my posts, you know I am trying to hatch some Auburn colored Java chicks. I hatch 12 eggs out of my first batch and 11 of the 12 chicks are either some result of a sex-linked hen and or a barred rocks (mom and dad).

However, one of the chicks is clearly from my Auburn like hen and rooster! I am 99.9% sure she is a hen and she is showing Auburn traits. Her head is a mix of red, auburn, black and gold. He feathers are all showing the lacing that my "Goldilocks" hen has. Her legs are slate (grey/black) with the yellow/marigold foot bottoms. Her chest is golden with the black spangled feathers.

I need some pic to show, but she is awesome!

So pumped. I might have a few more in the bator this time? Next time I fill the bator, I will make sure I have many eggs from these birds!
haTHOR: Which Java hen is that with the chicks ?
Moxie ?
I think those were the big chicks I hatched were from Moxie...cannot remember.
She is a jewel!
When I get a chance I will take better photos of the Cockeral & pullet from Moxie.
So that hen is Minerva with the BCM chicks ?
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sorry, that is minerva! she was moulting when i sent you eggs, i believe. she has super orange feet. moxie is my biggest girl, has light yellow feet, and makes BIG HUGE babies.
Good Day... I am a new Mottled Java Mama. The feed and seed I go to had 3 left. I went for Norweigan Jaerhon because the layed white eggs and I wanted to expand my basket. What a surprise when they didn't get the NJ's in and instead got MJ's . I'm thrilled , but know little about their natures... can anyone share please .
HaTHOR, JC and pullet are 4 mo old on the 21st, seems like such a long time ago, huh ?
He just crowed today, his first time.
I have alot of Cock birds and his call is so unique I had to go see, there he was poised on a tater tire stack..crowing over and over as if he just discovered how to do it and it was such fun!!
He is getting his tail & sickles feathers in, and the most beautiful iredescent green/turquoise, shimmers purple & deep royal blues with every movement..I think there is no ther bird as beauitful as a black java...he is like abalone shell, Mother of Pearl, such is the ColorFarm, huh ?
I apologize for no photos, usually I am photo heavy, but taking other birds to a show and have not gotten out there for a good pic or he is hiding inside when I am out sort of thing.
He has too many comb points, about 10, but so what!!!
Nice orangy marigold feet!!!
Slatey green legs, big brown eyes!! YIPPEE!!
The pullet is just as gorgeous, and so kind, she is more thoughtful and thinking and always there for treats.
I LOVE them!!

I am getting over 50 SQ Black Java eggs here soon as the breeder gets a good fertility rate..I am Jazzed !!!
These are going in my breeding program with alot of other Black Javas....
I am taking my Rhode Island White to a show tomorrow..he will doe well, at least BV...but I will tell ya what..try washing & keeping a white bird clean to show is a misery!!
Never again!!
I am Black Java and Buckeyes all the way!!

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