Java Thread

We had a wonderful hatch on St. Patrick's Day! Here is a picture of some of our newest Mottled Java's


I just posted a buy it now auction for 12+ eggs, in case anyone is interested.
Hipeatall, those are Adorable! I love mine that I hatched out of your eggs!! I have a question for you or anyone else who might know the answer. Do the ever come in mottled blue? One of my babies seems to be diluted. Really cute!! I'll try to get pictures if the camera is working.
Hey there Chickhick! I'm soooo pleased you are enjoying your Javas.

No, as far as I know there are not any Mottled Blue Javas (though I have to admit, I think they would be just beautiful!). I have found, in my fairly limited experience, that some of my chicks do sometimes seem a bit lighter than others... but they always feather in black with white mottling. I have also found that the spotting on the chicks can be really light or really heavy and this doesn't seem to indicate how they will feather out as adults either.
I would love to see pictures of your chicks!!!
I hope I am not posting duplicate pics here..4 mo old tomorrow, the 21st of March...started to crow 2 days ago..GORGEOUS !!!

another shot:


and my RIW at the show took BB & BV, but lost American champion to a Buckeye


OK, busy busy !!
So back to work I go!!!

Oh, and JC is a haTHOR chick..
Afternoon All.... nice pics, thanks for sharing.
The new Backyard Poultry Magazine is again worth every dime. The Breed Focus article is Retrieving the Auburn Java from Extinction. It's a great 3 page story with alot of good information. Just a heads up to get on the list for top quaility eggs, if the Auburn color is on your list.
~ bigzio
ooo, thanks Bigzio!
i will look online at the article !
I wanted to let haTHOR know, my Black Java cockeral & pullet shown above are entered in the up coming APA Poultry Show at Steveson WA..WISH THEM LUCK!!!
Do they lay pretty well, and what color and size eggs do you usually get? I would like to raise a rare breed and work on breeding them to standard. I have been reading on Javas and they seem like nice birds. Amy
I'm in Minnesota, and I've been getting eggs all winter. We have 16 hens, and there was only a two-week period in early February when we got just 4 - 6 eggs. Right now I'm getting 10 - 12.

Egg size is generous, a close second behind our Australorps.

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