Java Thread

I'm in Texas and have 5 Mottled Java hens and they have been very dependable layers... easily 4 a day. Also, they are a nice size egg. I have been very pleased with them... great foragers and very friendly.
Also an Amy
What an exciting day! i found a new egg in the nest box in the Java pen. It looked exactly like another hen's, but had the tell-tale blood on it--and it was sitting right next to the egg it look just like, so it was pretty obvious they were from two different hens.

My new pullets were born Nov 5th, so that's exactly 21 weeks. i had seen some slight reddening of the very black comb and wattles this last week, but not 100%...I was not expecting POL to come so soon. But I am very happy! Chickielady, maybe your girl isn't far behind!
Incidently, saw JC mount the pullet this morning, and she is now muddy!

Hopefully she stay relatively "nice" until the show.
Hopefully I can still go to the show as DH's Mom died & he has been to California & back 2 X visiting the hospital for a week, then came home here when he thought she was recovering only to get a call she was dying as soon as he pulled in, had to drive back at 3 AM the next morning...he has been gone 2 1/2 weeks now and we are going to have a hellacious credit card bill...

But there is still a chance.
They will be 5 mo old the end of this month...
Thos crazy cuckoo OEs you are raising are a kick in the head!!

Love them !!

The Olives are really my 10 year old sons birds. He wanted to raise chickens that laid camo eggs for his 4H project last year. His sweet Olive Egger Roo, Popeye, won a first place ribbon in the "Backyard Section" at the Fancy Feathers Open Chicken Show this past weekend. The Olives got alot of attention at the show (and a few people inquired about purchasing them)... it was really fun for him to get to show them off... one of the hens even laid a beautiful olive egg in her cage at the show.
Sadly, I was unable to enter any of my lovely Mottled Java's into the show. Without thinking, I disqualified them a few months ago by clipping all of their wings in an attempt to keep them from "mingling" with the other breeds. I was able to take some of their absolutely adorable chicks though. The chicks had a very prominent spot on the Java Breeders of America Club table at the show
and got lot's of attention - everyone loves those sweet baby chicks!
I clipped wings on my gorgeous Blue Ameraucanas, broody raised, they are extremely CRAZY and would fly up & all over inside the coop if I entered to collect eggs...never again will I let a broody raise chicks.
Otherwise I could show him, he is awesome, so I know what you mean.

Jazzy, with clipped wings.

My Java Cockeral is mounting pullets and is intensly determined, to the point of tearing neck I may have to saddle the pullets

But he is awesome!
Just to stay on topic:
J.C...the cockeral::

I have 2 5 day old chicks and three around a month (maybe 5 weeks) old pullets. I need them all to be given ID from a Java person. One is just wonderful and two of the new chicks are just so cute! The other two are solid black.

I will get pics soon!
Does anyone know of a chart that shows how to count the number of points on a Java cockerel's comb? I don't know which points count and which don't, where to start and where to stop. Also, how long should the back be? My cockerels lack that nice flat table, for lack of a better word. They both have a swoopy U shaped back like that of a Dominique. I have a youngster whose back is longer, but need to see how he fills out. He's four months old, so he might be the heir apparent, but I need to know how to judge his head. I keep looking at the SOP picture and comparing, but I know some of you are experienced in this sort of judgement.

Anything you can tell me would be helpful.
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Evening all... Engteacher, hope I can help somewhat. The standard of perfection is a written definition of what the perfect bird should be and offers no pictures of a perfect specimen, only a painting of the expected description of what the breed should look like.

From the Standard of Perfection.... Comb: Single, moderately small, straight and upright; firm on the head; lower in the front; evenly serrated, having five well- defined points; fine in texture.

Five means five....alot have more....critical breeds need work. The breed has alot of room for improvement in my opinion...that's why I love this foundation breed so much. It's no fun raising almost perfect specimens, unless it's with the results our help.
~ bigzio
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Help with gender determination! We have 2 Mottled Javas, hatched 3/9, making the 4 weeks old today. They are much larger and taller than the pair of Wheaten Ameraucanas we have that were hatched at the same time! In fact, they seem huge. They both seem pretty similar, with small combs developing, still yellow. Do you need better headshots to weigh in on gender?

We can only keep hens and are trying to figure out which of the 8 chicks we currently have are girls so we know who we have to re-home, only able to keep a max of 5 hens.

Mottled Javas, Hatched 3/9/11 (4 weeks old)






Thanks so much! I also posted in the general gender/breed thread.
In Silicon Valley with 8 chicks! 2 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, 2 Mottled Javas, 2 Blue Birchen Marans, 1 Barred Plymouth Rock and 1 Easter Egger. We can only keep hens and are trying to figure out which of the bunch are girls so we know who we have to re-home, only able to keep a max of 5 hens.

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