Java Thread

My best guess is they're both female. I have five that hatched on 3/11 and I can just now figure out who is who. I'll upload some pictures tonight, because it's the contrast between the cockerels and pullets that helped me see who was who.


Look at this tiny, perfectly round first egg from my second pullet Mavis, next to a normal sized java egg!
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Thanks! I would love to see pics. It is hard to tell with our two since they are so similar. I'd love to see a pics of yours at the same age, especially the roo to see the difference.
I have posted many times about my Auburn-like Java Rooster and his girl friend..... here is what I think came out as their love child:






Two more in the brooder that may be sisters?
Here are our four week old Black Java chicks. I took close-up photos of our pullet and cockerel for comparison sake. I hope this helps for those of you who are trying to figure out who is who. These chicks hatched together and so are the same age.

Here is our pullet. Notice the smaller and more yellow comb.


Now, here's our cockerel. The comb is more developed and is already pinkish.

Wow - that is super helpful! Based on your pics it looks like we do indeed have 2 pullets! Yay!
Thanks so much for taking the effort to take and share the photos! You totally rock!

Thanks! And I'm glad I could help. Our chicks are the same age, so we lucked out. As far as our experience with the breed, the Javas started laying first. We had one pullet that switched from pink to red combs and wattles at about 17 weeks. Within two weeks of that transformation, we got our first egg from her. By the end of the next month, more than half of the pullets were laying.

You said that your Javas were growing much faster than your other varieties. We had that experience, too. They were quick to feather out, they were first to lay, and they were first to crow. We had Welsummers, Cochins, and Australorps to compare them to. Javas were the most curious and precocious of the breeds. They've also been best out foraging when we allow them out of the chicken run.

I hope you have as much fun with them as we have had.
Engteacher -
Thanks again. All so good to know. Yea, one of the reasons we were wondering if they were boys is their size! We have 2 Ameraucanas hatched the same day and 4 other chicks one week younger (1 Barred Rock, 1 EE and 2 Blue Birchen Marans). We count ourselves lucky to have found someone local hatching them at the right time for us to include them in our new little flock. I have heard such great things. Funny that most formal write-ups say they are mediocre layers but all of the real accounts I've heard say they are great layers! I cannot wait to see what they look like as they grow, they are so interesting right now.

Looks like our Wheaten Ameraucanas are pullets too. Now just have to wait a little bit more to get opinions on the Marans, EE and Barred Rock, though the last two were sexed so odds are in our favor. We'll only be able to keep 5 max...we had gotten extra since they were straight run. It is going to be hard to part with any of them regardless of gender. We love them all!


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