Jazzy Jazmine's Blue Quail Egg Adventures

Hello everyone!

I'm new to Backyard Chickens.com. My name is Jazmine and I have an academic background in Developmental Biology where I studied chick embryo development.

We are based in Sunny Southern California. We started out one "cold" winter night with 27 quail chicks, and in just over a year we have grown our flock to nearly 250 breeding Jumbo Corturnix quail, and in the last four months we have hatched approximately 1500 chicks!

We primarily sell Jumbo Coturnix Quail; Pharoahs and Texas A&M. Also, we just acquired a collection of "Schofield Silver Collection" Coturnix Quail from Robbie at James Marie Farms.

We intend to isolate the "ce" gene, aka the blue egg gene, to derive a stable strain of quail that lay blue eggs! Follow us on our exciting new venture.

I'm looking forward to learning new tips, and collaborating with everyone during their journey.

Hugs and Quail kisses

Director of Operations and Compliance

Edited by Staff

How are the blue eggs coming along?????

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