jellybean size serama egg

Oh my that is very small. Heck give it a shot ya never know what can happen these days. I'd candle it at about 3-5 days to see if you can see any signs of life. Keep us posted I am really curious to see how this pans out.
Oh what a cute egg! I love seramas and I hope to get some someday... We hatched 1 out of 6 eggs that we bought off ebay. But little wayne didn't make it. He was the cutest little chick I'd ever seen...sigh... Wish I still had him.
candled last night and looked the same as day one candling bummer drag
. of the 19 i set the jellybean and one other serama egg never started and 2 others quit. so 15 eggs are doing there magic.
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I've had a couple of button quail lay eggs about half the normal size. I wouldn't even think about trying to hatch them for fear it would end up with a weak chick or one that was deformed or died during hatch. They "could" hatch out a smaller version of button quail, I suppose. However, they are already so tiny I don't want even tinier chicks. I can't imagine trying to care for them if they were that small.
When my Serama girls first started laying their first eggs where that Jellybean size-I tossed them, I bet those was the first egg that chicken laid. After that I got normal Serama size eggs

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