Jersey Giant? Breed?

In the first set of pics I'm questioning gender and breed. These chicks were sold to me as JG pullets. They are 9 weeks old. In the second set, I'm questioning the breed. Any help would be appreciated.
These light ones are not JG, nor any recignized color. JG come in Black, white, blue and splash.
possibly female, but need to see whole body. FWIW, my BJG females don’t get much color until they are older than 9 weeks.
Second set, so far look female. As far as BJG characteristics, the body type isn't quite right (but at 9 weeks old, still young), and tail is not right for JG. JG tails are wide and spreading tails. Pictures look like there is white down the feather shaft on some of the feathers - not sure if this is due to the lighting, but should not occur on BJG. However, hatchery quality JG can have these variations.

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