Jersey giant space requirements

I suggest a large hole in the ground, fortified but not to an excess that would cause the giants any unease. That's how everyone in Indiana does it at least.
I have no idea what that means... I'm visualizing an actual hole dug straight down with wire over the top... Of course, you might be totally pulling my leg here, and what can I say - I'm gullible!
I have 2 Black Jersey Giants along with my 2 Delawares, 2 Barred Rocks and 5 Easter Eggers, all who live in a 8x16 coop/enclosed run. There are two sets of lower roosts and a single bar roost uptop. They all roost on that single bar which has plenty of head room. They all use the same nests, and while they are bigger birds, they are not huge birds. Mine has dark eyes that look right at you when you talk to them. The green color that reflects off their black feathers in the sun is stunning. I enjoy having them, might have to get a couple of white ones with the next batch of chickies I get.


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