Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

Heel low:

For all of $20...a keyboard sure makes life easier...and quicker to type too!

I am going to post my text now...and edit later to add photos (over & done deal!)...BYC is having some issues on allowing posting of photos...not sure when that will be resolved but in the meantime...I said I would get round to addressing past posts on this thread and hoping I have NOT missed anyone! I would hate someone to feel passed on over...everyone is such fun in their own rights, eh!

I don't like crowds, multitudes of people, and think there is a rather nice good group on here...well at least you seem to like all the silly willy nilly photos of Fixins...that or you are very good liars about it all...LMBO!

Such kindness, eh?

I have dreams of greenery! It's gray and brown here mostly where I live, but not too far down the road, there's trees. Lots of 'em! Some day, I will get some planted, but first I need a drip system installed. We don't have the rain you get so all the trees around here need to be seriously watered til they get their roots down ten feet or so. Its amazing to me that the water table can be so high and yet the surface is so very dry.

We've been here 4 summers this year. I'm hoping that this fall, I can order up a bunch of berry bushes and trees and whatnot, for fruit drop and for shade in the runs... would look a whole lot nicer than shade cloth strung up everywhere!

See...the very first thing I was on about when we bought our land was get them trees and shrubs blink and like FOUR years have already gone by. Grrrr.....

But I get that you need to plan to water what you plant where you are! When I planted in 1999, May and June was torrential downpours. Rick even handed the kid a tin foil hat and told him to "give this to your mother...the house is life insured!" Such a BAD man....

Pics of dogs and caragana shelterbelt...

Not one wee widdle stem like they once were - no dogs pulling them out, eh??

I put in Caragana (everyone here seems to question why one would purposely plant such a thorny and fast growing, drought tolerant shrub...we love it and so do wild nesting birds!)...Spruce, Lilac, crabapples, (and my orchard of pears, apple/crabs, plums, cherries, saskatoons...even tried grapes in the greenhouse but did not do too well...oh well!), silver buffalo berry, sea buckthorn, some ornamental plantings of Rowanberry (Mt. Ash), Flowering crabs, strawberries, raspberries, red currants...oh heavens I forget it all ... oh yes, European Maples, think that is it or at least all I can recall for now! LOL

This Blue Spruce way in the back was Christmas Tree Size When We Moved Here...NO really!

I tell you, we never looked back...Rick and I feel SO old now...the trees that could have made good Christmas trees are now lumber contenders (not like we would do that! Eeek! So much more value in having trees for all the wildlife that have adopted us...the free loading wild birds, snowshoe hares and varmits like that durn weasel we saw last month!). Rick says he never thought he would see the day where the privacy we are given by the plants WE planted is being enjoyed by us. It is really kewl to have all this green and to provide so much wildlife cover...and well, trees are just good for all us living things, eh! Green spaces...

The best impact to me...(my fav because it was a FAMILY endeavour) was the Lilac rows on each side of the driveway...both my boys helped prepare the ground and put in good dirt and sand. Till it up and get this started. Rick & the kid had peeled the logs for the fence down the driveway, we drove the double posts, put up the fence. So both the log fence AND the Lilacs began pretty much the Lilacs are taller than the fence--bizarre really to think of that! Time flies when you are having too much fun, eh?

Four pics - showing both sides of the Lilac rows down the driveway

Please, please get them bushes, trees and "whatnots" in the ground soon. It is an investment in your future enjoyment and I can tell you...adds value to your place along with peace of mind and more lovin' it...not like you think of selling when you see how dreamy all the living plants make the place!

BTW, I used a soaker hose for the Lilac betting the length is STILL woven in the row too...dang it all...should probably haul it outta there...if it is not in pieces by now...hee hee

I remember fondly planting the lilac STICKS as they were at first...and the caragana too in single stems...oh the memories...Memories of HyBlade, late that one evening...getting antsy for dog time ("It's getting dark yah know...hurry hurry whatever you THINK is more important than ME!"). Dang boy...he was such a rebel rouser...he was going behind my plantings of the single stems of caragana and pulling them out and chewing on them. At around five of them...I caught on to his evilness...what a dog!

He paid though because it meant I took EVEN longer to get to dogtime that night...after escorting him back to the house so I would not KILL him...and back to RE-plant what I planted...undisturbed by the shenanigans...dogtime did happen but after dark that night!

One of the twin Rowanberry trees by the waterfall & pond

Some of the plants like this Rowanberry arrived here by mail and it is amazing that some six inch tall stem and root stock now towers over us and provides the baby Robins and Grosbeaks with some fruit before they migrate south.

Blows my mind it does.

There is a road behind this Caragana...truly there IS! --->

The privacy factors like we cannot be seen or even really SEE the road in many places...that the blowing snow and the winds of winter are irrelevant to us because of all the protection that "just grew up" and took care of that situation...marvelous.

Hopefully you get a nice harvest from your gardens.

Stump Chicken is adorable.

Been harvesting lots of green multiplier that...getting kinda big too...

Green onions - kinda BIG for those kinds of onions, eh?

Harvested some potatoes from the veg garden...saw the tops getting yellow and boiled up some reds and yellows.

New potatoes

Harvested more spinach...

Fresh Spinach

for a salad...

Spinach Salad

Rick has been eating cherry tomatoes from his porch plants...I would take a photo but he eats them so quickly as they go red, I never seem to have a camera there to capture them.

Tara, I got referred to a lady that also has some Chantecler from the same line I have and she has added a couple other lines to work on the yellow in the legs and the size of the hens. She is going to sell me some hatching eggs after the first of the year as she will be moving age getting her new place set up for her birds. I am very excited!

I know exactly whom you speak of! Nice...she has the same line you do but as you note, has added more lines to work on the yeller leggies! Yeh, the shape of that line is more "Leghorn" but hope that just means good layers, eh! I think you should be very pleased.

Yes, moving will keep them busy but awesome to hear you will get some more Chants to enjoy playing with. Congrats!

Tara, glad you are back - Stump Chicken looks very comfy where she sits now. Have to admit though Fixins is my forever favorite-
would be really keen is she had her own thread "Life with Fixins" in addition to yours. Just a thought.

Life with Fixins, eh?

Don't forget Foamy...we don't have her out as much as Fixins...simply because she is not as much a "chore dog" as Fixins is. Being a rescue, I kinda was taken aback how much the turkey tom's gobbling bothered her (scared her really!) but she has come round nicely. As Rick always says...when you have a bad start in to let a bit of time while away so you can heal and she sure did heal up...given time just to get use to the routine and laid back life style here--no worries, she had time to decide what she liked or did not like...for real though!

She don't prefer the company of birds but tolerates them and indeed, leaves them a good dog, but not chore orientated. We do alot of chores in a even I have to recall that Fixins is getting older and may not want to be at this ALL day long. She loves her nappy naps in the house...recharge her batteries for evening DOGTIME.

Styra Foam

Thank You DD, Tara you might at least think about it.


Life with Fixins is certainly every day here. Well if I were to divide out that dog to her own thread...I am betting my posts here would lose 99% of their appeal and all of the viewers! Dogs led us into this mess and they are gonna have to STICK it out and be part of the Paradise theme and carry the & poultry show...ha ha!

Still young enough to enhance TROUBLE - Fixins & Foamy

I laughed because as she gets older and older...she still has to exude that tough as nails Cattle Dog persona...but she is much more crafty about how to look tough! She only attacks things she THINKS she can take...take out easily too.

Fer my pretty Princess...put down a black dog bed topped with a microfiber blanket...
softy cushy cush!


Take THAT defenseless blanket!

Blanket fights back and THROWS BAD DOG to ground - "BAD BAD DOG!!!!"

Ah--is the BAD DOG a GOOD DOG now? Too tired to bitey bite bite?

See her beating up on a defenseless BLANKET! I am sitting there wondering why she is viciously attacking HER BLANKET..."Whoo, scary noises, lookit the dog slobber drools...oh the humanity of it all! Me SO scared!"

There would not be a thread without the dogs...

Now realize...we have to squeeze a whole summer (construction) into two months, eh...ten months of winter we need to get the game on or get iced in.

Tara, we are close here. Most years we can count on 3 months of summer, not so much this year, but oh well, maybe a long, warm fall? We can always dream, can't we? Due to some serious family health issues I have fallen behind on my summer chores for winter but good weather most of next week that should help me catch up. Hope the same for you!!!

I just love that you are doing your part to preserve endangered species

We would all hate to see the extinction of the endangered Stump Chicken!

I am hoping after the rain we get this week...we get another stint of 30C so the beans bust forth with all their flowers...and the peas. Lettuce and spinach are decent...the potatoes might be all creamer sized but who cares really...tasty tasty!

Pail Chicken ROCKS

Yes, stump chickens and the pail ones too...very important to keep them on going!

Does Stump Chicken stay in the coop for the winter, or is she weather hardy?

I was just looking around the yard and found a very old, stump from a Russian Olive tree cut down many years ago. I was thinking it would be a good place for a stump chicken. The yard is complete chaos, so I think it would be safe from two legged vandals.

Have to see if I can find a really hardy stump chicken - do they also come in bantam?

Stump chicken gets hauled out to the greenhouse for winter storage, so I guess she is NOT winter or weather hardy. She just dealt with an ant infestation (yes, rare breeds do get external parasites too!) and has had the situation calm down quite a bit when Rick mushed in the poplar stump and we replaced it with that birch round. Not saying ants won't be back but not maybe this year.

I believe this one is only found in Standard sized...better to see them when they are larger!


We have been busy going back and forth to Nashville. Maddy has to have another surgery on the 29th. Scans found gaps where the bone still has not fused. I'll try and keep you all updated...but on the OF thread. I don't want to hijack Tara's.

Yes please keep us in the loop!

Hope all is good. Them young ones blow my mind...I have learnt so much from just being around them bus kids...well besides letting my mind go to mush is good...kills any thoughts of stress! Ha ha ha...

Kids are so much more resilient than if WE adults could get a better grip...har har!

Hi Tara, coming from La where hot summer is 8 months. I have 2 different sets of eggs coming in 2 weeks and my DR wants me to see an Orthopedic surgeon to have my right knee replaced. Hate that. I have too many things going on right now. I have a small batch of 3 week olders in the storeroom (non insulated) and even with the A/C on it was 110 degrees inside. Kept running ice out to them. I have the fixins' to make a 5 gallon air cooler. I hope it will make a difference. I found it on youtube. I ordered a dozen Horstman and Urlch SG Dorkings. Couldn't turn down the chance. I had received 15 White Plymouth Rocks but all were scrambled. I reported back to the shipper and he is replacing them tomorrow. I need more space!!!!
Other than the knee, I'm a very happy camper. In fact this is the happiest I've ever been. I'm 67 by the way.

I get slower too and ponder if I have to have my knees worked on. Remember showing my kid how to triple jump...was pathetic...hop, skip, no jump--face plant in sand! The mind says "GO" and the body says, "NO durn way--are you crazy!" LOL

I doubt I could schedule a good time to have a knee done...and like when would one like to be laid up...not even one day and I would be chomping at the bit even if I could find good help...

Yes, older I get
past the parts falling A-part...the happier I be too! Great attitude!

by Jenny Joseph, 1987
X10 on loving Fixins and the stump chicken! I just want to scratch Miss Fixins belly so bad! And I wish you lived closer to me so I could buy some of your baby ducklings and chicks! It would be so cool to me to have some Higgins Rat Ranch babies!

You'd get a hand fulla nubba teethies...that is one wicked red dog that one. She is so rotten she's sweet! Well fermented I suppose.

Some years back we tried to make an old guy's dreams come true...send him some White Booted Bantams--no purchase a gift for the really old dude. The cost to send each bird was insane. NO transport fees or anything past JUST the testing was $500 for nine birds...just the testing costs. Up here a test like for pullorum is stoopid...most tests cost me $50 and in the States, cost you guys fifty cents. NO worries about FREE Trade...they took care of that by making the testing fees stunned up here. It is like $8 for an OPP test for a sheep in the States and $50 here...not sure why but no matter.

I'll keep posting stuff if nothing else...sigh!


Hi tara. Been missing u at tofh. Glad u got ur thread up and going. Subscribed

Glad to see you here Dude. Too busy to keep two sets of postings going. All or nothing I guess and "all the time" I have for BYC seems to be going to postings here.

Thank you! That was fun!!!! These are incredibly beautiful birds!

I wasn't sure of the name, but I actually had one for a short time back in the late 80's, unfortunately I just had the one and he did not make it.

I've always wanted to try raising these again, maybe now I will. I loved the little call he did every night when I got home.

I really like your thread,

and I am subscribed too!

Glad to entertain you...

Say...I would like to hear more about the ONE Red Golden you had back in the '80's, please!

It was a male...did you have him as a young bird...watched him mature and colour up to adult feathers or... They are really hardy weather wise but do get the same diseases and parasites that chickens could have lost him to that.

Yes, I too like the noises they make at dawn and dusk...more active then too. Most wilder birds are like that we find. Sleep mostly during the day, staying hidden and happy to nap away the day.

I have ducks, turkeys and chooks all hatching today...lots of pipping yesterday and some early buster outers, but the main eventers are coming forth today...yah!

These are pics from yesterday...

Chick a Licks

Duck a Lucks

Turk a Lurks

Really had a good chuckle at the one yard roo...white Booted Bantam...caught him blending in with the concrete ducks.

Nobody can SEE me...standing motionless here with them Ducks! <<<FTD>>>

Here is Fixins posing in front of two of the flower beds Rick made me...

one flower bed that is not trimmed by the ride em mower making a pass

& the shade one trimmed

I put up combo wire panels and graze the ruminants in this area but it requires Rick to do a swing by and buzz it close up to the wooden ties to look the most tidy.

Could not resist adding this pic of one of the Red Golden pheasants perched way up, up in the rafters...

Him looking at me, looking at him, looking at me...yeh...

Well that's that...another day's in Pear-A-Dice...

Good night Fixins

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

Edited to ADD the photos now that we are able to...
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Its so much better with your pics. Hopefully byc will get the bugs worked out soon. I have seen a few pics posted today on other threads so maybe they are making progress

It uploaded!

The upload seemed to hang but then it picked up when I clicked on submit.

This is a Doberge cake.
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Oh yay, the pictures are fixed!!! Speaking of, Fixins the FIERCE AND TERRIBLE, :D ONE CANNOT NOT smile looking at that dog! And What a produce bounty, and what a great assortment of edible ornamentals you have chosen! Except lilacs of course, but they smell good, so that counts too. And the Caragana, that's the arborescens, right? Then I know you probably know the story of during the great depression poultry farmers used it to feed their flocks. (I'm sure everyone HERE knows it, but being the plant person that I am, I can't help but make a comment) :/ (my Caragans a. is not even big enough to scratch me yet, and I don't have my chickens yet anyway, lol)

Ok, to answer your question.....

The Red Gold Pheasant Male was a fully colored long tailed adult of unknown age when I got him (in about 1987?) from a collector who had ordered a mated pair of the birds some years before. He was sent three, two males and a female, which I understand is the normal arrangement (now, I didn't now nuthin then!) Not knowing different, he was afraid that the two males would fight and he kept them separate. As soon as he knew I had the space he asked if I would take the one. He had a nice big secure cage for him and for quite awhile he was fine. I so loved coming home and seeing him in all his feathered glory! Wow, what beautiful birds these are! Then he died. It broke my heart. I was living alone then and it felt like someone had taken my sunshine away. :hit

I am sorry, I still get a little emotional about this, I was going through a rather rough patch during that time, and this has brought a bit of that back. BUT, I'mmmm feelliiinnnggg mmmuuutcchh better now, thank you very much! :gig

Seeing these birds again has both given me tears and GREAT JOY! Especially tonight looking at the guy in the rafters :rolleyes:
I'm just going to have to get some one of these days..... But for now I can so enjoy looking at yours, so if you want to keep slipping their pictures in now and then please do....:fl

Thanks for the smiles (and the tears!):cool:
Fixins is adorable fighting that blanket, he seems like a similar lovable dummy that we've got a couple of at home. And the colors of those pheasants are amazing.

Ron, looks delicious. Ever make carrot cake?
Thanks for that recipe Ron. I've never heard of it before. After looking at the recipe, does it have a good lemon flavor to it? I love lemon!

The lemon curd in the recipe is very tasty. It can be used in other recipes that call for lemon curd.

Fixins is adorable fighting that blanket, he seems like a similar lovable dummy that we've got a couple of at home. And the colors of those pheasants are amazing.

Ron, looks delicious. Ever make carrot cake?
Yes and home made is so much better too. It does not taste much like the store version.
Oh my goodness, beautiful post Tara, reminds me so much of other ones I have read, and I revisited the pictures too, some a view from the shoes, smiling. I am now exhausted, thank you, and have used up all my morning internet time, visiting with you as I read through your posts and others -- you tire me, as I can imagine the hours and hours I envision you putting into your posts, hours of picture making and the captions and all the speech that goes along with the pictures. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this most beautiful bunch of pictures and whatnot to just start me out on my day among my own critters and farm (I got way more veggies than you do, na na na na na) (and I love you). Never stop being that awesome person you are, the sharing that you do, of your life, your conquests with the Rocky Mountain life and oh....did I ever mention that I love that song by Burl Ives, the Big Rock Candy Mountain, and of course too -- 16 chickens and a tambourine.....have a beautiful day, CynthiaMQ
Tara, I was about to ask how Foamy got her name and then I noticed her full name

Styra Foam - does she love eating it like chickens do - chicken pop corn
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