Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

G’Day Diva

Normally; sun, sand, surf and BBQ .. however, today it is raining so just sheltering under the gazebo with the girls listening to the radio
Hey Tara .. today [26th] is Australia Day and I know a couple of beautiful little Aussies who deserve a hug; please give them one from me

Well, is the we be one day behind and playing ketchup, eh!

Hugs...Aussies that deserve hugs, eh...

"Teila says we need HUGs...Does Emmy need a huggy??"

Lacy hugs Emmy

And Emmy, well she returns the hug...but makes it her own hug

As with ALL things Emmy does, she always takes it one paw too far...

A hug up on the snow pile quickly becomes a BITE...

And all come tumbling down...

But naire a worry...the shannigans continue

For as quick as a wink...back up to the of the snow mound to carry on...

And them Australian HEELERs keep on heeling...

And seizing the DAY

Happy Australian Day Teila...

The expat ACDs, the Lace and the Emmest...give out a great big ol'

COOEEEE COBBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the Great White North to the Land Down Under...

You might be able to take them dawgs outta the country, but you can't take THAT country outta them dogs.

Proud Australians--both gals are Jillaroos, through and through!!

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:

Tara, does the breeder of your two pups keep up with them on this thread or do you send the pics to her through email or some other channel?

Every coupla weeks I send her an e-mail with pics of the girls.

Supper last night...delish...

Cinnamon buns...

On the rise!

Gonna seriously investigate making my very own wool mattress...

Got hundreds of pounds of Jacob fleeces

and and...Feather all the resources here, eh!

got four ganders I need to process

We need a new sleeping abode and well uh...the memory foam and the fire retardant is making me go

Gonna see where this takes me...try to keep you posted on how I do.

Jan 25, 2016 - Girls atop the snow pile Rick built for them!

Girls helping me with chore pretty out...

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Heel low:

Joined yahoo Shetland sheeps...see if anyone done fangled up their own wool mattress...

Asked here on BYC fer help....

Buns were good

I don't think Emmy is quite done yet with Australia Day...she grabbed a necker and almost made me think she wanted to don it again today, eh!

Rick brought the larger than life tenni from the pasture to the snow pile last night for the gals to romp with.

Girls this morn...

I love how expressive their tails can be...

Emmy wanna play with Lacy?? <<does look sorta like a question mark>>

Lacy whispering sweet nothings in Em's ear...Emmy don't look like she's listening to nothing...

Java's owners sent me the last photo they took of her...her waiting by the door to go inside.

As a breeder of dogs, a creator of life, we all go thru the throws of producing dogs and feeling that overwhelming responsibility for them...for the entire existence they have...we want them to be happy and do no harm...we want them to have forever homes and be loved and cherished...till death makes them part company of the land of the living.

Always hit me, this song about old dogs, watermelon wine (made some of our own even because of this song) and dimes. SILVER dimes...I can hear one from a mile away hit a rings out different that dimes not made of silver.

I have always collected silver dimes...don't come across them too often... but I held three dimes for Makins' three was dated my year of birth for Fixins and surprise surprise to me...the one I gave to for Java...was the year of birth of the lady. How spooky is that? I did not know how old they were, just that Java was going to a home where she would be loved.

Java wore this silver dime upon herself...from the day she left here right on up to the day she died.

Ain't but three things in this world that's worth a solitary DIME
But old dogs and children and watermelon wine

Precious Java...running free on the Rainbow Bridge up in the skies...romping with Fixins, Makins, HyBlade, Stoggar, and all the dogs we were ever blessed to have...

Tom T Hall
Old Dogs, Children And Watermelon Wine:
Yeh I love old dogs and children...too old myself now for any watermelon wine.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Hi Tara! Haven't been on in a while and sure miss your posts. Always love your pictures of the dogs in the snow and the cinnamon buns look really good. I read the link on the wool mattress and looks so comfy, but a lot of work. I'm sure the end product is worth all the work.

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