Jim from Iowa


In the Brooder
Oct 29, 2018
Hello everyone, I am relatively new in the poultry world. This past spring and summer I raised 75 cornish cross for the first time. It was most definetly an educational process for me.
I currently have 5 chickens and planning on getting more, I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Buff Orphington. Out of all these only 1 is a hen that just recently started laying eggs.
I am currently trying to hatch Buff Orphington eggs for the first time. I have 13 eggs in the incubator starting today. If anyone has any tips on this, it would be greatly appreciated since there are so many different opinions that it can be confusing.
I am a recent empty nester looking for a hobby to occupy myself with, Retired from the Army in 2015.
Hey and welcome. As far as incubating goes having several thermometers to give an accurate reading of temps. A calibrated hygrometer to measure humidity also helps. Always a learning curve incubating so take in people advice but only remember what works for you and your incubator. Ive used several incubators over the years and every model has its pros and cons and their own personality.

Welcome! Check out the Learning Center. https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/
Here is incubating and hatching eggs thread, may be helpful for you.
Hey and welcome. As far as incubating goes having several thermometers to give an accurate reading of temps. A calibrated hygrometer to measure humidity also helps. Always a learning curve incubating so take in people advice but only remember what works for you and your incubator. Ive used several incubators over the years and every model has its pros and cons and their own personality.
thanks, I have a hydrometer and thermometer that i am using. I got a little giant 11300 and read up on it. A lot of comments on the humidity not being accurate on thier digital screen.
thanks, I have a hydrometer and thermometer that i am using. I got a little giant 11300 and read up on it. A lot of comments on the humidity not being accurate on thier digital screen.
thanks, I have a hydrometer and thermometer that i am using. I got a little giant 11300 and read up on it. A lot of comments on the humidity not being accurate on thier digital screen.
Yeah a second calibrated hygrometer to go with digital incubators is always nice. The egg turners are life savers.

Too much humidity at hatch can drown a chick too little can keep them from hatching out properly. You'll learn what does best in your house, its not that hard just takes a little tinkering to get it right. Best of luck.

If you start a new thread to document your hatch people will help along the way if any problems or concerns come along. You'll also have it to look back for future reference.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive: There are a lot of helpful articles on incubation in the BYC article section. If something goes wrong during the incubation process ask the byc members and they will be happy to help! Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!

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