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Anyone got an idea of when my ducks won't need the heat lamp anymore. I'm from michigan and it's slowly warming up outside but they don't have their full feathers yet
Anyone got an idea of when my ducks won't need the heat lamp anymore. I'm from michigan and it's slowly warming up outside but they don't have their full feathers yet
Personally, once they have most of their full feathers, I let them be outside but lock them in their coop or kennel for the night so their body heat stays in and keeps them somewhat warm. Other people might recommend letti by them out on nice days but bringing them back in at night or something similar to that
Personally, once they have most of their full feathers, I let them be outside but lock them in their coop or kennel for the night so their body heat stays in and keeps them somewhat warm. Other people might recommend letti by them out on nice days but bringing them back in at night or something similar to that
The coop I have built for them in the garage is just basically a rectangle with 2x4 around and stapled coop fencing around it. Sounds like I need to build them an actual area that's not just fencing when they finally go outside
The coop I have built for them in the garage is just basically a rectangle with 2x4 around and stapled coop fencing around it. Sounds like I need to build them an actual area that's not just fencing when they finally go outside
You probably won’t have to unless you want to. Once my ducks were big enough to not need locked up, they preferred to sleep outside
Im just curious cause of predators that could get them. I live with 6 acres of woods and last time we had ducks something got in and basically was a massacre...
Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good night sleep:fl

I'll be spending my day today working around the yard and maybe even let the ducks out a little for some free roaming and pool time.
Yall know if ducks can have tomatoes? I know chickens can but wasn't sure if ducks could cause they were acidic.
Haven't posted or updated on here in awhile. Here are some updated photos of my ducks. They are almost 2 months old!


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