June Egg Swap Check Your Emails Partners Being Sent Now!

Got my email. I will be sending mine out on Monday!

I'm in!!

ETA: Can my partner PLEASE contact me before you ship my eggs. I am in the process of moving, so when you send them depends on which address I need them to go to!
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Ok I got mine late last night. I went through the posts to find her/him but I cannot see where they posted here.
So I will be getting a care package together and sending it today or tomorrow at the latest.

They will be heading EAST almost DIRECTLY East of me here in Wichita Kansas...
Sending the emails is pretty time consuming so I have to break it into two sessions. Also I didn't want to send everyones since there are a few last minute sign ups and I wanted to make sure they'd have a partner.

Everyone will have their partners by tommorrow. Now who they are I'm not telling.
Got mine!!

My eggs won't go out until like Friday of next week....I'm booked up on orders till Wednesday!! But you will get tons, hope you have room!

Going south, by the way.....

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