June Egg Swap Check Your Emails Partners Being Sent Now!

That would be sad, to just miss them and have to wait an extra day. Hope they get them in the morning!
Mine are on their way to CA
what a long trip!!
I haven't heard from mine either, but I know package was delivered yesterday.

I just got my biggest let down ever! The mail truck pulled up to the house. I ran outside and what does the guy give me.....shipping boxes I had ordered from USPS! I thought he was gonna give me a box of eggs.
Hi all I will send my eggs out on monday. I have been in and out of the hospital, I'm starting to feel better but have had a friend taking care of the animals and she really is not sure who is who in the chicken world just to feed and water and clean and love till I'm back on my feet, so I will collect on sunday... this is when the meds are out and Im going to be feeing great again, LOL so I better feel a ok. Eggs will be going to ADA, OH.
Pulled out of the driveway, seen the mailman coming down the rode, turned around and followed back to my house hoping for a package but nothing
Hopefully tomorrow.

I wish there was way to let partners know that the eggs have been shipped or when they will ship so arrangements can be made to have someone home waiting so the boxes don't sit on the front porch or get left somewhere and people aren't spending a week anticipating.
I GOT MINE!!!!!!!!!

They all arrived safley! I have no idea who sent them or what they are. I dream of Silkies, so they will be something else.
It's great, like little suprise packages. I only found one person on here from the same state as the return address. The town is over 5 hours from the town on the label. Thanks a ton, "Tracy", whoever you are!

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