June Egg Swap Check Your Emails Partners Being Sent Now!

I got one quail....Anyone near me that can lend me a brother or sister...He's so alone and tiny! I'm serious. I think I'm going to try to make a little cloth friend for him.

If I get any to hatch you can have some. They're due next Tuesday. It's my first time with quail- so we have yet to see...
How far are you from Chattanooga?​
Tracy ~ I ended up with just one white LF chick...is it a Delaware? None of the others developed at all. P.O. must have been rough on them, and this one was just one little tuffy! Thanks!
BellLisamo ~ I know what you mean. My partner never let me know if they made it ok or anything. I know they got there, but that's all. They should have hatched by now, but no word. Oh well, it's still fun to swap like this.
My eggs are still under the broody hen. I haven't candled them either. In fact, I don't think I even wrote down when they were due to hatch. I know that some others I had under hens were bad. I have never seen so many rotten eggs! UUUGHHH!
got 5 BR out and 3 trying and 2 bantam egg trying
I can not remember who it was that sent me some Guinea eggs for the swap (to zip code 71473).... but they are hatching right now
4 hatched out so far! YAY!!!
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