June Egg Swap Check Your Emails Partners Being Sent Now!

Heather J I got 7 Br 1 cochin 1 silkie some other developed but did not make it or pip and died but you did a great job on your end only 3 or 4 did not show any signs. I gave my last swap chicks RIR to my niece for her birthday and her brother is claiming your BR he thinks they are beautiful even though his birthday is not till Dec. And everyone is fighting over the silkie but it is staying with me i will get you a pic soon. Adam my nephew says thank you
I'm so glad your hatch went well! They are beautiful chicks, aren't they? I just love hatching!

From my swaps: the various cochins I got in the mail died midway through the incubation, and the mixed LF I hatched three--but I think I'm doing something wrong with incubation, because I rarely get more than half of my OWN chicken eggs to hatch (strangely I have great luck with ducks and guineas, though...)
Heather J wrote:
Happymtn, I have three of your eggs pipped and two are zipping along. can't wait to see the little cuties! Two more are fully developed, so we'll see how it goes.

From my swaps: the various cochins I got in the mail died midway through the incubation, and the mixed LF I hatched three--but I think I'm doing something wrong with incubation, because I rarely get more than half of my OWN chicken eggs to hatch (strangely I have great luck with ducks and guineas, though...)

Soooo....were they zipping or dying 1/2 way through incubation?​
Took me a while to update.

Out of the 12 SP eggs I received none of them even started developing. They all had moving air cells, courtesy of the P.O. I'm assuming. However, there was another egg in there that wasn't marked at all. I just assumed it was another SP, but it clearly is not. It is blue with feathers on the sides of its legs, any ideas?? I just happened to have a silkie hen hatch the day before this little guy did, so he went to live with his new 'mama' and siblings. Would like to know what it is though. Kind of odd that all the phoenix eggs were scrambled, and this one was just fine though

HappyMtn~~Make sure you keep the humidity pretty high, like 65% at least, and your bator should be crawling with quail!! Coturnix are 18 days, buttons are 15. Been receiving excellent reports on them hatching.
HappyMtn~~Make sure you keep the humidity pretty high, like 65% at least, and your bator should be crawling with quail!! Coturnix are 18 days, buttons are 15. Been receiving excellent reports on them hatching.

Only a few more days! I'm putting the shelf liner in tomorrow so they don't fall through the holes. I can't believe how small the button quail eggs are. I used to raise finches and their tiny eggs were actually bigger than these. Some of the buttons were broken-I didn't notice it until going in the bator- but there are still plenty in there.
Well- apparently the shelf liner that I put in the incubator was toxic. I posted a question but only got one answer a couple days later. There was a terrible smell - skunky chemical odor- coming from the bator after I put the liner in. I had one cortunix hatch hours after I put it in. Everything else died. 2 dozen BBS Orps and 1 dozen splash cochins. They were all alive and kicking on day 18. I did egg-topsies to make sure there weren't any survivors, and it appears they all died at the same time just before internally pipping.

This is so sad for me- I should have known. We make no-VOC earth-friendly furniture. We don't use anything containing toxins- I shouldn't have put that poison into the incubator.

Our lonely cortunix is bunking with Frita- a 3 week old cochin. She walks around under Frita's wing all day, and Frita doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Here's Frita and Uno:
that picture is so cute...

Sorry about the others...I just use the wire mesh, sometimes I cover it with a paper towel, but most of the time I don't

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