JUNE HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Sportschick & Buffbeauty: Congrats on your hatches! Sounds like you both have kids that get to join in on the fun. Looking forward to seeing your pics when you get a chance.

Abooth: I'll be starting the 'JULY HATCH-A-LONG come join in' by the end of the weekend. Work has just swamped us & I've been getting home late lately. Time is so precous.

Happy hatching everyone! Go pips, go!
This is the only one that has hatched so far. Since the picture was taken, it has tormented every egg in the incubator! He is now vigorous and loud!! We are not planning on taking him out until tomorrow but he seems to view the incubator as another egg from which to escape!! We are feeling very happy, even if only 1 makes it through the whole process.

Here is my attempt at posting a picture:

I awoke to 5 vigorous Barred Rock babies!!
There was one more trying to get out last night, but they have moved it around so I can't evaluate it very well.

My Black Copper Marans do not appear to be doing anything. It is hard to be sure because my other chicks are knocking them around a fair amount. Even the one that pipped out a big piece of shell yesterday has progressed only slightly. So frustrating. I really hope that some of them figure out how to get out of that beautiful, thick shell!
My Cuckoo marans shells were really tough. (this was last year) The first one pipped and got out. One pipped and made a big hole, and was chirping, so on the advice not to help, I didn't and by the next morning it had died. I don't think the humidity was just right in the incubator. So I helped the next two out. They are healthy adults now. I know the thinking is that if they are not strong enough to get out of the shell by themselves, then they may not be healthy chickens.

But, now I think that if it is because of my incubator error, then I will help them out of the shell. Really, how does the mother chicken regulate humidity?
I just hatched 12 Cuckoo Marans and we decided to help one out that was stuck. The humidity must have been wrong in mine because the membrane had dried to it. It is a little deformed but it is getting better. Congrats on your hatch!
Candled the second batch of eggs... Looks like 5/6 fertile for the polish and 5/12 fertile for the duck eggs- but I'm giving the entire 12 another week before I take any out, since it's only been 5-6 days. What was strange is that it looks (to me) like one of the duck eggs has a double-embryo. Instead of a solid mass of dark red at the top, it is sort of split in two, with one glob on the left and one glob on the right. I will try to take a picture of it tonight before the other chickies have to go on lockdown, it's very odd.

First 6 polish eggs go on lockdown tomorrow night!

And since there's no July thread yet... the peacock hatching eggs I ordered should have been in yesterday for a July hatch but they were nowhere to be found. So, I mailed the seller. She told me paypal should have my tracking number, and they sure enough did. Only, their tracking number said my package was Status: Delivered- To someone in Wisconsin! Sorry USPS, but that's across a very big lake from me. I asked what address the seller mailed to, and sure enough it was my address in Michigan. So I called up USPS customer service and they said they'd get back to me in two days; great, I'll know what happened but IF they can find the package and IF they can get it to me somehow, the whole lot of eggs will be dead on arrival. Thankfully the seller has been very nice, and is going to work with me for a second batch. Fingers crossed for us!

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