Just a few quail questions...

Yes, definitely an english white and a tuxedo Coturnix. Cute
Im no expert by any means but ive kept cots before and can offer some help. No the girls dont need a roo to lay. Average size is a couple inches long and 6-8 ounces for the regular sized variety. The eggs are about an inch long give or take. As a whole they're not noisy. Females will make small chirping noises, but the males will occasionally crow. Mine only crowed in the morning for about 10 min after waking then settled down the rest of the day. Their crow is quieter than any chicken. Cots generally need a foot per bird but the more the better. Any bird can have health problems. Given at least 12-14 hours of light a day, cots will lay almost everyday. Most hatcheries will only sell large amouts of quail, but they are plenty of people on here that sell smaller amounts. They can be friendly, all depends on the bird. Caging ideas can be found aplenty here just look around. Good luck.

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