Just a what if.


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2015
Ok so I am into day 2 of my first hatch. Scared to death. So all day yesterday the temp was at 37.5c. Humidity between 45% - 54%. Until last night. Every 2 hours the alarm of low humidity kept sounding off. Today at 10:33am I added 1 ml of warm water once again. And the humidity has stayed steady between 46% - 49%. Question is, is that a good humidity? And why do yall think the alarm kept soundinglast night? Not sure I can handle 21 days of only 2 hour sleep increments. Lol. But I am so set on doing this. Any advice? Oh and I have 40 eggs in the incubator.
welcome to BYC,
your alarm wont go off? and it doesnt hold more water than this? And are you certain you want to run at this humidity level?
I have read and read... I see alot of people post that they do great with the humidity at this %. I am not even sure what it holds. Last night the alarm would alert me everytime the humidity went down below 45. Which was every 2 hours. I was putting water in. If I put to much the humidity raises way way high... Like above 67%. Lol.... I think i am trying to hard. Hell I dont even leave my house longer them 10 minutes...scared the alarm will sound and i am not here to fix it. Lol.
see if there's a way to reprogram the humidity alarm and set it to 25%. High humidity causes more problems with first time hatchers than low humidity due to the humidity affecting the size of the air sac. If you are running a true 65% humidity for the incubation period the chances are the air sac will be small so when the chick internally pips it will drown before hatching. Lower humidity is safer for new people to use 35-50% would be fine if you can work out how to disable the alarm.

A few tips.

humidity works on surface area so it doesn't matter how deep the water its the amount of surface area that controls the humidity.

The affect of humidity is averaged over the incubation period so a few hours or even days at a high or low level is not the end of the world as long as the air sac is about the right size just before lock down. (do a internet search to find a chart showing air sac to age on incubated eggs).

During lock down you do need to increase the humidity up into the 70's so you may have to add a sponge to increase surface area.

p.s this advice is for chicken/quail eggs if you are doing duck eggs ignore everything ive said

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