I've built several still air incubators with limited success, usually 30 to 50% hatch rates. I've always heard that forced air bators are superior because they're supposed to distribute the heated air evenly. Well, I'm on my second prototype and I always have at least a 2 degree difference from one corner to another. Also it's very difficult to get the humidity up adequately with all the air movement. I don't have a picture just yet but it's a cabinet style with three 60 watt bulbs as a heating source and an actual incubator fan in a separate compartment. The fan blows the heated air through a diffusing vent (so it doesn't blow directly on the eggs). The bator is well insulated, I can understand a slight temp increase near the vent but it's actually hotter in the opposing corner
. I have a water heater thermostat that keeps the temp constant but doesn't help the variation in different areas. The biggest obstacle is getting the humidity up. I've tried everything, a pie plate with water and sponges in the bottom, wet sponges near the top but it won't go any higher than 25%. Anybody have any secrets before I trash my second attempt
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