Just added nexting boxes, but what to line them with?!


7 Years
Aug 29, 2012
Tacoma, WA

We JUST added our nesting boxes, the girls are 25 weeks old today and still not laying yet.

I'm wondering what material to put in the nesting boxes? it's hard to see, but we put pine shavings in the coop and run right now, and I'm wondering what to do with the nest boxes. Any advice appreciated!

Also, taking bets on when they'll start laying, here's a photo of them at 24 weeks:
People use all kinds of stuff but hay works the best IMO. It's cheap, easy to clean out and it compost easily.
I tried the plastic nest box liners and my chickens refused to sit on them. So i just get the cheap straw the sell at home depot or lowes.
I heard to use straw not hay, is there a difference?
Hay is often a tall field grass, usually a variety called Timothy. When it is mature, the grass is cut a ground level and the whole plant; stalks, leaf blades and seed heads, are left where they fall to dry in the summer sun. When dried, they are baled in rectangular-shaped bales, to feed animals that range from domestic animals on farms to wild animals at zoos.

Straw is somewhat of a by-product. After cereal grain grasses, such as wheat, rye and barley have been harvested for the grain-bearing seed head, the hollow stems of these grass plants remain. These hollow stems or straw, are baled up much like the hay in rectangular-shape bales. The hollow stems make for good insulating material, and for centuries straw has been used in farms and stables as warm bedding for animals...such as chickens.
Pine chips. I also add old carpet pieces for the base before I add the chips. A board on the front keeps the material and eggs in the box.


I got my first egg ever today! But as you can see, the ladies tend to take out all the pine shavings :(
Maybe I need to add some reinforcement so they can't!

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