Just beginning


May 27, 2015
Starting with a couple of hens, not really knowing much about chicken farming. But I do love them,and looking forward to my own fresh eggs. Any advice for a beginner?
Hi, welcome to BCY!!!!

If I were you I'd get Rhode Island Reds, Black austrolorps, or Sex-links. They're all great layers.
You need to probably feed them layer food. Keep nesting boxes for them. I think 1 box for 6 hens is the general rule, not positive tho. If you get them as chicks, they need to eat a chick starter for the first few weeks and they need to be under a heat lamp.
Hope that helps! There are TONS of threads where you can get more info and such
Thank you , I do love black austrolops, I have Buffs, but a local seller has the black ones, so I think I will get a few of those also...Thanks again, looking forward to my chicken adventure....
Thank you, I have One little Bantam hen.. She is nothing but a pet, the sweetest thing I have ever had, other than my poodle that I have had for 11years...I never knew a chicken could be so tame....
There is a great thread on BYC called "People with house chickens," bantams seem ready made for that. My friend has house chickens 2 seramas and 2 silkies and they watch TV with her every night, Welcome to Backyard Chickens.
Can someone answer a question for me please. Im raising some baby chicks inside without the mother hen.They are warm,have chick starter food,but do they also need some type of grit like the grown ups do?

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