Just bought a bunch of problem pullets. What should we do?

Did I read that right?? You have a 5x5 coop with 3 existing birds and are adding 6 more?
That would be 9 birds in 25sq feet with existing behavior issues.

Man that is gonna be rough. Way to many for that coop. The 25sq feet is not subtracting for feeder space, water dish space or internal nests since we don't know about any of that.

I would be rethinking the plan.
Did I read that right?? You have a 5x5 coop with 3 existing birds and are adding 6 more?
That would be 9 birds in 25sq feet with existing behavior issues.

Man that is gonna be rough. Way to many for that coop. The 25sq feet is not subtracting for feeder space, water dish space or internal nests since we don't know about any of that.

I would be rethinking the plan.

That is for the coop - which is two levels - upper is two 5 ft roosting bars with a poop board and lower is nesting boxes the coop is for sleeping and laying only - PLUS 50 sq foot run (they also get time outside of this enclosure) The feeders are external (no floor space), just the waterer in the run, which I might also be switching to external.

Plus we are more than doubling the run size.

It's similar to this http://www.thegardencoop.com/chicken-coop-plans.html
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Sorry, I don't mean to sound defensive. I just wasn't sure if you were understanding properly. I do appreciate everyone's input :)

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