Just candelled my Wellsummers, Araucanas, and Silkies :( UPDATE


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
All shipped by 3 different BYC members, all from excellent stock out of a dozen or more of each I have only 2 silkies that look like maybe they are developing but I really don't think so, 5 wellsummers, and 4 Araucanas (these I am sure are at least developing for now. All the rest were scrambled by the PO I guess, since I cracked them open and there was nothing but broken yolks

I am so bummed, I know its not the bator (r-com and 1588 both amazing) and shipping eggs is such a gamble but still...

Other than waiting for one more batch of eggs from one member this was supposed to be my last hatches. It is so weird too, since I have gotten some eggs that had great hatches and some not so much I guess some just get handled better than others.

I am very excited to see what does hatch and am hoping that I at least get a few of each.

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somehow I double posted this so I have asked for it to be closed, sorry!

But to answer my humidity was at 50 and my temp at 99.7 I have a r-com 20 and it auto turns, it does just about everything but raise the chicks!
I totally feel your pain. I received 15 Black copper marans eggs from Bev davis that I'm hatching, and only 5 out of the 15 seem to have made it so far. We will see how many hatch in 4 days! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!

- Felisha

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