Just cleaned out the freezer and the pantry


13 Years
Jan 9, 2010
Northridge, California
Just cleaned out my freezer and found lots of old fish with freezer burn. I threw it in a stew pot and then cleaned out the pantry of all old rice and noodle items and put that in also. Next I looked around for any old freezer burned veggies or wilted greens and threw them in the pot too. Now it is all cooking together and will be frozen in baggies for once a week chicken treats.

Who new expired items could be so much fun.
Nice. i just cleaned out two freezers yesterday. the chickens got some caterpillars frozen in blocks of ice (grandpa's fishing bait???) and some freezer burnt corn on the cob. they went crazy lol
I have frozen corn on the cob that I was thinking of chucking. Can I throw it in the run with 6 week old chicks? And if I can, do I need to cook it first? Or can they just have it when its thawed out.

They are in a dirt 8 ft by 8 ft run with their coop, and chick start. They just starting going out this week for a few hours between the snow showers, today its raining, so hopefully we are done with snow. But I was going to try and get to the store today to get some chick grit. If not I should be able to get down to town tomorrow.
Right now there is only 2 outside in the run/coop. They are both rescued, and then I got 9 more that range from 2-3 weeks old still in the brooder. I figured since I got the 2 chicks, might as well add a few more, but added more then I really wanted to get, lol. But I'm not going to be able to keep all of them. 2 of the others I'm sure are Roo's, got them from a Lady who was handing them out in front of a store, they hatched them for a Preschool, and they are already having huge bright red combs, and starting to grow wattles at 3 weeks, so they will for sure be re-homed, can't have a Roo where I live, but I might try to keep one, I just feel it would be good for the flock for protection, I live up in the mountain. They will be able to free range in a huge side yard once we get the fence proofed. We still have a long way to go, lots of fencing, its about 200 ft by 40 ft, all fenced with either the house on one side and a 6 ft wood fence, but we are putting in chicken wire in the ground 12 inches for digging on the outside, and it needs to quit snowing and freezing the dang ground so we can dig it all up.

The 2 that are outside right now during the day is a Barred Rock, and then either a Production Red or a Golden Comet. At least that is what people have told me they look like.

Here are the 2 girls (hope they are girls) outside now

As for the other chicks, I know for sure we have 2 EE, and 2 RIR, because I bought those. Then I got from the Preschool Lady, 4 mystery looking chicks, one of which I think is a Bantam, because its literally the same size just with tons, I mean tons of feathers. And then I'm sure now that I have another Barred Rock that I got from the Preschool Lady as well, now since the feathers are coming in, looks just like my other one.

Here is the other group

Right now there is only 2 outside in the run/coop. They are both rescued, and then I got 9 more that range from 2-3 weeks old still in the brooder. I figured since I got the 2 chicks, might as well add a few more, but added more then I really wanted to get, lol. But I'm not going to be able to keep all of them. 2 of the others I'm sure are Roo's, got them from a Lady who was handing them out in front of a store, they hatched them for a Preschool, and they are already having huge bright red combs, and starting to grow wattles at 3 weeks, so they will for sure be re-homed, can't have a Roo where I live, but I might try to keep one, I just feel it would be good for the flock for protection, I live up in the mountain. They will be able to free range in a huge side yard once we get the fence proofed. We still have a long way to go, lots of fencing, its about 200 ft by 40 ft, all fenced with either the house on one side and a 6 ft wood fence, but we are putting in chicken wire in the ground 12 inches for digging on the outside, and it needs to quit snowing and freezing the dang ground so we can dig it all up.

The 2 that are outside right now during the day is a Barred Rock, and then either a Production Red or a Golden Comet. At least that is what people have told me they look like.

Here are the 2 girls (hope they are girls) outside now

As for the other chicks, I know for sure we have 2 EE, and 2 RIR, because I bought those. Then I got from the Preschool Lady, 4 mystery looking chicks, one of which I think is a Bantam, because its literally the same size just with tons, I mean tons of feathers. And then I'm sure now that I have another Barred Rock that I got from the Preschool Lady as well, now since the feathers are coming in, looks just like my other one.

Here is the other group

Oh my! They are all adorable.
I have mine on a side yard during the day they free range and at night I lock them up in a coop that has hardware cloth around it.
Thanks, I think they are all so cute. Wish I knew what the mystery group of chicks are. But oh well, going to be really hard having to re-home the Roo's. I did talk with my neighbor that will be the closest to the chickens tonight, and actually finally got brave enough to say "Hey, we got chickens!" They have a dog that barks non-stop all day long, and have been in trouble a few times with animal control, and I thought they would be pretty mad because I'm afraid it might make their dog bark more. But nope, they said awesome, we are thinking of getting some too. The neighbor said that they are so interested that if they decide to make a coop, they would take any that I want to re-home and we could just share them. LOL. He also said that he knows tons of people around here with chickens, and he said that he wouldn't mind us having a Roo, so as long as no one calls on us, we could try to keep one. I never knew that there was so many people around here with chickens. I'm not LDS, and everyone here is, so I don't know that many people around here, but he knows everyone. I guess they have a church set up for chicken eggs every Sunday, and no one in his ward ever buys eggs, there is way too many.

So since I found all this out, I feel so much better. We are allowed hens, I called the city, they said I could have up to 15 as long as I had them in a fenced backyard with a coop, but we live in a very, very wealthy area, and most people around here get mad if you leave a bike in your front yard, so I was so nervous for them to find out that I have chickens, we have a hard enough time now with not being members of the church, but really the only way anyone would really know is if they looked over the solid wood fence or heard them.

So I'm some what relieved finding out that they were so for it. :D
Good, It sounds like it is going to be just fine. My neighbors have chickens we bought then together. We have a very friendly neighborhood. I had a two roo's for a short time (straight run chicks and bad luck) and my other neighbors loved to hear them in the morning. I think they were a little sad when I rehomed them.

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