Just curious who else is living super frugal

So you know using the candy thermometer means the chicks have to have candy names, right :lol: ?

Honey built me an incubator out of a vintage metal Coleman cooler, but it hasn't worked that great. I think I may have drilled too many holes for ventilation? Anyway, I also bought a little giant and turner off CL for a good price, I'm using that for my (probably) last hatch this year. The big incubator has to get put away for the winter. It's been setting on our wood box, but it's getting cold and I'm wanting a fire in the mornings!

Lmbo Im sure the kids will think up plenty of candy names when they get home!
Wood fire? YOu've got to be kidding, right? Yeah, I know you're not. We're still using the AC at night so it will cool down enough to sleep. If not the AC then the windows are open with the fan blowing on us.
Yep, wood fire. It's been warm for the most part, but a few mornings have been down in the high 40's or 50s. We have no other heat besides the wood, so the house gets pretty chilly. Now, I can sit under a blanket with Eve and she'll warm me right up, but it takes the productive out of the morning.
"Coupons seem much harder to get then I remember as a kid. The sunday papers used to be filled with them, now we get nothing"

Many coupons have migrated online. Several stores like Kroger have website coupons plus there are dozens of all kinds of coupons sites. Print them out or save on a smartphone if you have one.

I'm not a huge couponer though. I buy generic lots of times, and a lot of fresh produce at farmers markets (plus we garden and have eggs) and I've found it more economical to make things from scratch. A 10 pound bag of flour goes long way. I work through the week so I try to cook in bulk on Sunday afternoon/evening and put some in the fridge/some in the freezer. This time of year, I've often got the grill going and do several pounds of grilled chicken breasts- its so handy to make grilled chicken salad or slice up for tacos later. I might also have three small casseroles or lasagnas in the oven. I don't make big pans- I make one meal size servings for no leftovers and refrigerate or freeze the other casseroles. I don't do this every week but I try to get a jump start on the week so we aren't so tempted to eat out if I'm tired or late.

The biggest help for us is not wasting food. Planning meals is important. Little bits of leftovers go into either a big ongoing freezer bag for soup later on or else I have some plastic trays that have become make-your- own frozen dinners with a slice of meatloaf one night and left over carrots the next. Just keep a couple in the freezer and keep adding bits of leftovers, The kids can use them for an after school snack or if they are not crazy about what I'm serving.

I think the right attitude helps. I see myself being frugal not deprived. We been doing this for a long time and have all our bills paid off except the house and it will be paid off in 2 years. I'm more excited about finding a great coat at a thrift store than if I had spent full price. I've never had a new car in my life- nor do I want one. I will spend once in a while if I want something badly enough but I'm cheap on enough other things I can make that choice. If you keep at it long enough to see the rewards, it is worth it.
I've started keeping a little dry erase board on the fridge. I keep a list of the leftovers and the fruits and veggies on it. It's at eye level for the locusts--I mean teenage boys, so they can see what's in there without opening the door and staring for hours. You eat something, you erase it. It's not a perfect system, but it helps keep track of what's in there.
I've started keeping a little dry erase board on the fridge. I keep a list of the leftovers and the fruits and veggies on it. It's at eye level for the locusts--I mean teenage boys, so they can see what's in there without opening the door and staring for hours. You eat something, you erase it. It's not a perfect system, but it helps keep track of what's in there.
Nice idea.

apparently I also need to draw a map of the inside and mark where each item is located. Somehow having a penis cancels out the ability to locate an item in the fridge or cabinet
. I can even say..."It's on the third shelf, left hand side, probably behind the cheese"....can't get much more specific than that, right? "Mom, it's not there.....".

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