Just curious who else is living super frugal

We live super frugal most of the time, but had been splurging on stockpiling. I wanted a years worth of food in house and basically was preparing for inflation to hit. Good thing too, because DH got laid off.

What with our garden and bartering we got plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. I baked most of our baked goods. With the exception of milk (and I am still working on this) during the first stretch he was out of work I went three months without buying any groceries.

We ALWAYS buy used. The only thing I buy new is shoes for the kids. I'll buy used dress shoes that they only wear once or twice, but growing feet need proper footwear or they have problems later in life (my pet issue, sorry) We owed only our mortgages (yes, two) But, we had already saved up a year's worth of mortgage payments so we both knew that was going to be OK, we had a year.

The thing that killed us and nearly undid everything was health insurance. I have a chronic health condition that requires meds and makes me hard to cover. We got the kids on a state CHIP program for $80 a month, but coverage for just me was $700 a month. That really hurt. It really hurt me emotionally because I felt like I was such a drag on the family budget. But, DH assured me I earned more than I cost just in providing food through my garden!

DH worked twice as hard laid off as he did employed. He did everything he could. Whatever job he could get he took. He got lots of odd jobs and wasn't too proud to do whatever was needed.
We came through. He worked a contract job for four months which was awesome - good money but no insurance. But, he got a good job at almost exactly a year.

One year. And we owed less than we had when we started the year. We were closer than ever and really appreciated each other! The kids had learned quite a few lessons and had become more compassionate. Toughest year of our lives. Best year ever.

He's working now and making good money. I still think the economy stinks and don't trust the dollar any more. So I am spending right now - restocking. Fixing and replacing what got worn out, expanding some of what I wanted before that we realized we would have liked to have had.

Once I would have saved more - but now I am spending. I don't think the money in the bank will be worth as much as having what we need, having things to eat and barter and being out of debt. I don't use credit cards. I don't borrow. I never buy what I cannot pay for with the cash in my hand.
I buy used or new depending on item. sometimes used is not best lol but I sure shop prices and that is super frugal instead of just buying what is in front of me at the moment.

frugal to me is just not spending tons of money on crappola.

frugal is getting the best deal on what I am shopping for without truly giving too much time to shop that item.

I am frugal with my time. easier chores etc make time for my fun/family

my reason for frugal...to save money for vacations. I love vacations and every single penny I save elsewhere in my life means a great vacation weekend for our family!
we love traveling!!

younger, I could care less and spent top dollar on 'stuff' like jewelry.
older now, I could care less about jewelry lol

so time changed my frugal ways thru the years.
At 59, I most enjoy my partner humming a tune at the sink over dishes, Me beating on nails in the yard for the next project. Getting fingernails dirty on her Truck, and watching the Cats, and the Chooks, do their thing. Mellow. Money is only a tool, and I can do with less of it, and the greed it attracts.

A life lived in misery, is a life lived lost. I found my road a long time ago, and refuse to be miserable because someone else wants, at my expense. I closed that account. I always will.

I bid you peace, and good health. There is not much more of higher value.
When you pull the milk out of the freezer and put it in the fridge, how long does it take to thaw out? I bought an extra gallon today and put it in the freezer! Thanks!

I leave mine out on the counter for several hours. I stick it in the fridge after it's mostly liquid again (shake it to remix). It usually still has a little ice still in it - but ice cold milk tastes GREAT!! By the next morning it's typically thawed all the way.
Msbear - wow!! That dresser and those frames are gorgeous! And your barn wood signs are wonderful!

Thanks teach1rusl! I will do it this way, thanks for the help!
LOVE this subject! I don't know why, but I am suddenly scared to death for us and our family being OK! It's why I decided to get chickens and plant a huge garden this year in order to can for the first time....first time for chickens, too! I now feel like every dime is precious! My husband and I have made our home a place where we love to be...hardly ever eat out or go to movies, never go on vacations or buy extravagant things. One of the best joys we have is to invite people over for dinner!
So what ARE folks stockpiling??? I buy extra bags of sugar when it's on sale. I'd also still like to know what foods are freezable (besides milk) that the average person doesn't necessarily think of being freezable, so that when certain foods are on sale, you can stock up...
I have actually been stocking canned veggies like corn. I cannot grow corn with a darn. very frustrating. we also have a ton of flour in the freezer, canned beans, dried beans, jellies( like strawberry and apricot since we do not grow those fruits), water, powdered milk, sugar, raw honey, brown sugar, some spices, raisens, TONS of salt. Also toothpaste, tooth brushes, laundry detergent, bleach and vinegar.

We also took the time to plant for fruit trees and bushes like elderberry, currants, plums, cherry, and apple. We already have a ton of blueberry, some asian pear and apple trees from the last few years.
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HeatherLynn, I would recommend learning how to make your own laundry detergent It is simple to do and keeping the dry ingredients will save space in the long run. As a bonus you will save $.
I buy olive oil, the large bottles that are normally 9.00 or so when they are 5.00 or less (about twice a year here) and freeze them. I also store all my flours in the freezer. Extra eggs for baking when you have them coming out your ears are frozen. Fruit and juices are frozen for later use when the kitchen is not so hot for canning. Whole tomatoes can be thrown in the freezer for later use also when your tired of canning. I pre-chop a lot of fresh peppers, celery if its getting soft, puree onions, cooked up hamburger crumbles for future sauces etc. Just a few ideas for what I freeze for food storage.

As for stockpiling, I only store what we will eat, no over processed crap etc, with the exception of some dessert type foods that will help with morale if this stockpile is ever actually needed
I rotate out and use what we store so it is fresh. I love this ladies program for food storage, her name is Wendy Dewitt and she has a printable program for free. Even though I am not a LDS member she has a great common sense plan for getting started and calculating what you really need for your family for a years storage plan.

This is her blog: http://everythingunderthesunblog.blogspot.com/
is her program on youtube:
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