Just curious who else is living super frugal

You know, when you all talk about coffee makers, I really feel like a dinosaur! I just don't like coffee maker coffee, period.

I like the old fashioned boiled stuff, from the stove top percolator. The ones with the glass bubble on the top so you can see that it is strong enough to strip paint.

I know the "experts" say that to get "perfect coffee" the water should be exactly 190 degrees, and then drip through the perfect grind, etc. To me, that just wastes coffee! Get that water up to 212, and get all the flavor out!

Truth is, I drink more tea than anything. Scots heritage, I suppose. But I like my tea strong too! And when I drink coffee, well, you know.
I had a good cheap day and did also. Found hinges for my doors on the coop 2 for. 25 and a lid that opens ontop made of wood for the chicken coop for 1$. And ft free barn lumber!!
Well, I finally did it! After months of talking about it, I dropped my digital cable box off at the cable office and cancelled my TV subscrition. I still have my computer. I need that since I run my own business website, but I am not going to pay these rediculous fees for TV with hundreds of stations, most of which are garbage. I don't even think I am going to miss it. I figure with less TV and more time on my hands, I will have more time to expand my veggie garden and do some other "projects" I never seem to get around to, some of which will bring in more income.. I had previously dropped my phone service with the cable company and just use my cell phone now. In all, I have cut my cable bill by just a bit over $100. I am only paying $52 a month now for internet. An extra $1200+ a year will be an extra mortgage payment.
From my generation: PAYING for TV reception???? DO WHAT???? I now don't even have a functioning TV set. I do have a little USB thingie that plugs into the computer that I can watch free, over the free air waves TV on if I want to, but I never do. Even when I was young, (mumble mumble) years ago, I didnt' watch it much. I dont' miss it. I no longer have a NetFlix account either. I watched all they had that interested me and I find that ordering their DVD's didn't save me any money. I can rent movies at the drug store and save money. And I don't, so what the heck. I can watch stuff over YouTube for free. So there ya go.
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Oh I have people referencing the newest "Survivor" and all that other stuff and they are so shocked that I have no idea what they're talking about. It's garbage! I don't watch it. I like documentaries. Not the OH WOW LOOK OH HELL ones but the real ones with quiet voices and real information and the picture doesn't change every 5 seconds. Like David Attenbourough. And they are free on YouTube. Internet and a cell phone. No paying for some stupid stuff to not watch.
Oh I have people referencing the newest "Survivor" and all that other stuff and they are so shocked that I have no idea what they're talking about. It's garbage! I don't watch it. I like documentaries. Not the OH WOW LOOK OH HELL ones but the real ones with quiet voices and real information and the picture doesn't change every 5 seconds. Like David Attenbourough. And they are free on YouTube. Internet and a cell phone. No paying for some stupid stuff to not watch.
I agree, Galanie – the stuff they are transmitting over the airways these days is worst than bad. I tell myself the programming is made for younger people, but I really got turned off with the general themes of most of these programs. Many of these programs are about people doing unspeakable harm to other people. I find nothing uplifting or inspirational about this climate. We canceled our satellite service years ago, and we seem to do just fine without it. At night, we enjoy reading, board games and movies we have in our library.
We still have the old copper wire telephone connection as Cell Phone service doesn’t come out this far. We also have a pay-as-you-go cell phone that we use when we are in town – try to find a pay phone these days! We do have satellite internet service as I absolutely refuse to do without my computer. After 36 years of work in a computer manufacturing company, it has gotten into my DNA.
I use what they call a French Press for coffee. I did this because when I moved out here, I was powered by only 8, 60 watt solar panels, and all of my appliances were purchased with a limited electrical supply in mind. Jennifer refuses to use it though because it leaves a few grounds in the bottom of the cup. I agree with Scott in that a regular stove top percolator would be a good choice – I wonder where I could find one.
Unfortunately Dennis, the 'stove top percolator' is going the way of us Jurassic reptiles! The last one I found was in the camping section in Waldo-mart for $20 or more, and that was without the glass ball in the top! The only other one I have been able to find was one of those electric self-contained jobbies, but I always associate those with watery, strange tasting coffee like you get in insurance offices and senior center bridge games.

I use a presspot too. Boiling water and steeping the grounds as long as you want, that brings out some good flavor. Tell Jennifer that the eentsy bitsy bit of grounds are just added fiber!

Boy, that's good Joe!
I hear ya, Scott. My aunt still likes perked coffee better than the drip variety. She did move to an electric perk rather than the stovetop one, though. I confess, I don't like mine real strong, but not like dishwater either, LOL, and I prefer the drip variety. The main reason we had to get the second maker was that my brother, who lives with us, puts lots of cream and sugar in his and makes it so it comes out like tar! Even if I water that stuff down by 50%, it tears up my tummy :( He literally uses twice the grounds we do...but then we take ours black. Dennis, check thrift stores, I see those stove top percolates there quite often...and for a really good price. I had a French Press we used for herbal, and other, tea...and loved it. Unfortunately it had a glass insert and it got broken :( Haven't found one in a thrift store to replace it and I absolutely refuse to pay $20 or more for a new one ;)

luann, sounds like you made some major scores, there, congrats!

Since we have cable now, I confess...I watch it...but when brother moves out, it'll go with him. I catch a few dramas on the networks, like NCIS, Criminal Minds and the CSI's. Otherwise, I scout the higher channels...Discovery, TLC, NatGeo, and Animal Planet. I'm pretty selective there as well. AP used to be really good, but in the years we were without, their programming has changed and most of it is, IMO, crap now. I mean...Turtleman?? Puh-lease! I mostly detest "reality shows" which are about as real (again, IMO) as unicorns and dragons. Now, I like unicorns and dragons, but don't tout them as "reality" LOL

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