Just curious who else is living super frugal

Just let those items ferment naturally outdoors somewhere and the flesh will sweeten and the skin gets thin...and the chickens and sheep will eat the whole thing, skin, flesh, guts and all, like it was the most incredibly tasty thing they've ever had. Like piranha's in a feeding frenzy! No cooking or processing needed.
Are you talking winter squash? I feed winter squash guts to my chickens and goats raw. And we give them lots of pumpkin in the fall just cut up in large chunks. But they won't eat the skin, cooked or otherwise. Guess I have weird birds.

And here I thought I had weird birds because they will eat an entire squash...seeds, flesh and skin! Ravenous little beasts, lol.

Our goats are pickier than the chickens...the goats will only eat the flesh.

Our goats are extremely picky too. We have one that only nibbles things, never really eats a mouthful. He likes frosted miniwheats, alfalfa hay, and chicken eggs. Lol. He steals the eggs from the nests. Picks em up whole, carries them to the feed bucket, then nibbles open a piece and licks out the yolk. Weirdest dang goat ever.
yes, I'm talking about winter squash. I don't give them a whole squash at a time b/c I use it for myself. I'm too lazy to peel a squash, so cook it in the skin, and since I'm already using my smart stick, it's no problem to grind up the skins. That way they all get some if it's mixed into their feed ration. I hope to have the space to grow some extra squash and pumpkins for the flock this summer.
Our goats are extremely picky too. We have one that only nibbles things, never really eats a mouthful. He likes frosted miniwheats, alfalfa hay, and chicken eggs. Lol. He steals the eggs from the nests. Picks em up whole, carries them to the feed bucket, then nibbles open a piece and licks out the yolk. Weirdest dang goat ever.

Frosted miniwheats and egg stealing, LOL!

You should try them with a vanilla wafer sometime...they will start with the cookie and then chew your hands, your pockets, wherever they smell wafers!
I have yet to see a goat eat a tin can like some of those silly pictures show.
I find that having the garden full of plants is a deterrent for me to start the fall crops when they need to be started. I've had good luck in the past by starting a flat of seedlings for the fall crops. You can grow them on in a partially shaded spot, perhaps near the hose so they get watered often, and then when a spot opens up in the garden, you can plant them there. Your grow light should solve your problem. I wish you the best. I'll not be cold framing or green housing this year. The season got away from me, and I was too tied up building a coop to get either cold frame or green house geared up for fall planting. There's always next year!!
I'm so new to the gardening thing that I haven't had a garden for the last two years because I didn't choose my direction wisely. I paid $60 last year to have my 30 x 50 garden tilled but no help to rake or form into beds. Much less planting. I'm too old to get out and do all that. This year I'm hiring some guys to bring and set up about 15-20 straw bales and ill plant in them with minimal stooping and digging. An old person's dream. I will have some placed to have a strawberry garden and some low beds that have cattle panels up to plant beans, peas. etc. A lot of containers with tomatoes and such sitting around. I have the space, just didn't have the know how before. These are things I can do a little bit at a time. The family DD and SIL were very resistant to me getting chickens or trying a garden. "Why not just buy things at the store?" I did without because I won't pay $2 for an eggplant as I'll be the only one eating it. They like pizza and such. Coming into my own this year and am going gangbusters on finishing the second coop. I'm investing in 40 ISA Brown pullets and will begin selling eggs and veggies to the SIX new subdivisions that have gone up around me within 5 min. No co-op within an hour drive and the farmers market is downtown 30 minutes away. They will buy.

I have a couple of put together 4' x 4' beds that I'm going to set up this month and get ready for a mini greenhouse. Living in zone 8b I'll be able to start planting almost immediately. Bitter cold last night at 28. heh heh. That's the coldest yet. If need be I can bring the flat's into the storeroom if there is going to be a storm or such in Feb. Under the white plastic hoop thingy the temps will be 70-80 and I'll have to vent it during the day. I didn't realize how luck I was living here. I thought that the heat would keep me from growing veggies. Wrong!!!! That's what shade cloth is for. I'm learning so much. I'm amazed.
I'm so new to the gardening thing that I haven't had a garden for the last two years because I didn't choose my direction wisely. I paid $60 last year to have my 30 x 50 garden tilled but no help to rake or form into beds. Much less planting. I'm too old to get out and do all that. This year I'm hiring some guys to bring and set up about 15-20 straw bales and ill plant in them with minimal stooping and digging. An old person's dream. I will have some placed to have a strawberry garden and some low beds that have cattle panels up to plant beans, peas. etc. A lot of containers with tomatoes and such sitting around. I have the space, just didn't have the know how before. These are things I can do a little bit at a time. The family DD and SIL were very resistant to me getting chickens or trying a garden. "Why not just buy things at the store?" I did without because I won't pay $2 for an eggplant as I'll be the only one eating it. They like pizza and such. Coming into my own this year and am going gangbusters on finishing the second coop. I'm investing in 40 ISA Brown pullets and will begin selling eggs and veggies to the SIX new subdivisions that have gone up around me within 5 min. No co-op within an hour drive and the farmers market is downtown 30 minutes away. They will buy.

I have a couple of put together 4' x 4' beds that I'm going to set up this month and get ready for a mini greenhouse. Living in zone 8b I'll be able to start planting almost immediately. Bitter cold last night at 28. heh heh. That's the coldest yet. If need be I can bring the flat's into the storeroom if there is going to be a storm or such in Feb. Under the white plastic hoop thingy the temps will be 70-80 and I'll have to vent it during the day. I didn't realize how luck I was living here. I thought that the heat would keep me from growing veggies. Wrong!!!! That's what shade cloth is for. I'm learning so much. I'm amazed.
Our goats are extremely picky too. We have one that only nibbles things, never really eats a mouthful. He likes frosted miniwheats, alfalfa hay, and chicken eggs. Lol. He steals the eggs from the nests. Picks em up whole, carries them to the feed bucket, then nibbles open a piece and licks out the yolk. Weirdest dang goat ever.

Frosted miniwheats and egg stealing, LOL!

You should try them with a vanilla wafer sometime...they will start with the cookie and then chew your hands, your pockets, wherever they smell wafers! :drool  I have yet to see a goat eat a tin can like some of those silly pictures show.

Mine do the same with graham crackers. I've had my alpine jump the stall for them. Lol.

Best thing is they eat all the weed trees that I trim back and bermuda grass and crab grass in summer. Right now they are working on eating our christmas tree.
I'm so new to the gardening thing that I haven't had a garden for the last two years because I didn't choose my direction wisely.  I paid $60 last year to have my 30 x 50  garden tilled but no help to rake or form into beds.  Much less planting.  I'm too old to get out and do all that.  This year I'm hiring some guys to bring and set up about 15-20 straw bales and ill plant in them with minimal stooping and digging.  An old person's dream.  I will have some placed to have a strawberry garden and some low beds that have cattle panels up to plant beans, peas. etc.  A lot of containers with tomatoes and such sitting around.  I have the space, just didn't have the know how before.  These are things I can do a little bit at a time.  The family DD and SIL were very resistant to me getting chickens or trying a garden.  "Why not just buy things at the store?"  I did without because I won't pay $2 for an eggplant as I'll be the only one eating it.  They like pizza and such.  Coming into my own this year and am going gangbusters on finishing the second coop.  I'm investing in 40 ISA Brown pullets and will begin selling eggs and veggies to the SIX new subdivisions that have gone up around me within 5 min.  No co-op within an hour drive and the farmers market is downtown 30 minutes away.  They will buy.  

I have a couple of put together 4' x 4' beds that I'm going to set up this month and get ready for a mini greenhouse.  Living in zone 8b I'll be able to start planting almost immediately.  Bitter cold last night at 28.   heh heh.  That's the coldest yet.  If need be I can bring the flat's into the storeroom if there is going to be a storm or such in Feb.  Under the white plastic hoop thingy the temps will be 70-80 and I'll have to vent it during the day.  I didn't realize how luck I was living here.  I thought that the heat would keep me from growing veggies.  Wrong!!!!    That's what shade cloth is for.  I'm learning so much.  I'm amazed.  :weee



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