Just curious who else is living super frugal

I forgot about using milk jugs for cloches. Hmm, I think I need to ask my mom to save me some for when I put those little transplants out. I didn't bring the milk jugs with on the move from Wyoming and I now buy milk in returnable 1/2 gallon glass bottles at the store.

lol not worth bringing them with you, for sure. ANd the returnable ones are so much better for the environment. I use what ever I can get a hold of . . . .
I have noticed that happens with opened containers. Some "mold" in the air gets in when the lid is removed. Recently I tried using yogurt as started and the container has lasted about 4 weeks with out molding. Maybe because I remove the top layer every time it is opened, and the lid is only off for a few seconds.

Fresh yogurt is rather sweet compared to the commercially prepared stuff. In Holland I was introduced to this stuff and was pleasantly surprized that the texture was unlike the commercial types here, as well as a lovely flavor. NOT sour. lol
Those sour cream containers are usually so empty that it doesn't pay to try to save anything out of them. lol You can only be frugal to a certain point before you actually start losing somehow - you know the saying "There is no such thing as a free lunch". I would waste time and effort trying to scrape out the bad stuff to save just a tablespoon of edible sour cream it just isn't worth it ...

I need to start making my own yogurt, I have only found one brand of plain yogurt that I like around here and it is only carried by a store that I don't shop very often. I've never done it, but it sounds pretty easy.
Just came home with a box of nectarines and peaches from the local food bank. When I cut into them they are very dark, like they were frozen in shipping ( probably why the food bank got them). Most are rock hard and need to ripen. Advice? Opinions? I tasted one and it tastes fine. Can I still bake with them? Can them? Or just feed to the chickens?
I looked into the "spay/neuter reduces the chance of cancer" claim. From what I could find out, the study was on golden retrievers and the reduction in cancer rates was something like 4%. If that is the only reason to do it, I would not have my dogs altered. However, I do like the easier to train, stays in the yard and I can take them with me without worry affect of having the neutering done.

I have been actively working with dogs for many many years. I have shown them, bred them and rescued and rehabilitated them. It is a proven fact that the link between spays and breast cancer in female dogs works. If a female dog is spayed before she ever comes in season there is a zero chance she will ever develop breast cancer it drops to 50 percent if they have their first season and are spayed and if not spayed by there 2nd - 3rd season it will make no difference. The risk of Prostate cancer in male dogs is also eliminated if the dog is castrated. While I do not think everyone needs to have their dogs altered there are serious considerations. Now I have a month old Chihuahua girl who finally has made it over 3 pounds and the vet is on me about spaying her. Well until I am sure she is big enough to have this done it will not take place.
I have been actively working with dogs for many many years. I have shown them, bred them and rescued and rehabilitated them. It is a proven fact that the link between spays and breast cancer in female dogs works. If a female dog is spayed before she ever comes in season there is a zero chance she will ever develop breast cancer it drops to 50 percent if they have their first season and are spayed and if not spayed by there 2nd - 3rd season it will make no difference. The risk of Prostate cancer in male dogs is also eliminated if the dog is castrated. While I do not think everyone needs to have their dogs altered there are serious considerations. Now I have a month old Chihuahua girl who finally has made it over 3 pounds and the vet is on me about spaying her. Well until I am sure she is big enough to have this done it will not take place.
Newer studies, like this one from UCDavis and this one that was published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, are actually showing that this isn't entirely true. The breed and age of the animal when altered and also the type of cancer plays a roll. While spay and neuter, in most cases, can help prevent or remove the potential of certain cancers... It can also increase the risk of others. Early spay and neuter has also been shown to have detrimental effects on development and increases risk of structural injury, such as CCL tears, and is not ideal for dogs intended to have long, active working lives.

Also, I think you mean Testicular cancer. Neutering will not prevent prostate cancer in male dogs. Neutering will prevent testicular cancer, but Neutered dogs have an *increased* risk of prostate cancer. According to newer studies such as this one.
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I live frugal. Not super frugal, but I don't live a life of luxury. I guess for 1, it is not my personality nor my husband. I have a nice car because it gives me peace of mind knowing I wont be pumping gas into "surprise" repairs. I make a car payment anyways so Id rather just have the payment minus all the extra surprises. I don't have any kids, so we budget about $50-$75 in groceries each week. I definitely need to get better at budgeting. Any suggestions?
Budgeting can be simple.

A list of how much money you make in a month. Compared to how much your expenses are in a month. for example : car ( gas , maintenence, insurance), rent or house payment ( including repairs and insurance), clothes, food, entertainment, church, savings. Pick those from t he list fits your life. Write in every expense.

Just being aware of how your money is spent can help you see where you need to rearrange your life. Made me see the high priorities needed more attention, and the lower ones had to go.

Making another batch of yogurt today. ANd wearing my sons winter boots so I dont need any boots until next fall. Put a lot of eggs into the freezer in reusable containers. 11 ducks headed to freezer today too. ( Hoping to get them all done in .)

Did I mention this already? Took one son to the planaterium last Saturday for his Boy Scout project-- figure that is a good investment in his education.I did buy a mug of the constellations to have as a memento of our 3 trip together. ANd a key chain for each of my sons. We studied the stars and moon for a month. Looking up at the sky is FREE. Constellations are fun to find. Orions belt is part of the great hunter Orion; the big dipper is part of Ursa Major; the little dipper is part of Ursa Minor; and his tail is Polaris, the north star!!!
Budgeting can be simple.

A list of how much money you make in a month. Compared to how much your expenses are in a month. for example : car ( gas , maintenence, insurance), rent or house payment ( including repairs and insurance), clothes, food, entertainment, church, savings. Pick those from t he list fits your life. Write in every expense.

Just being aware of how your money is spent can help you see where you need to rearrange your life. Made me see the high priorities needed more attention, and the lower ones had to go.

Making another batch of yogurt today. ANd wearing my sons winter boots so I dont need any boots until next fall. Put a lot of eggs into the freezer in reusable containers. 11 ducks headed to freezer today too. ( Hoping to get them all done in .)

Did I mention this already? Took one son to the planaterium last Saturday for his Boy Scout project-- figure that is a good investment in his education.I did buy a mug of the constellations to have as a memento of our 3 trip together. ANd a key chain for each of my sons. We studied the stars and moon for a month. Looking up at the sky is FREE. Constellations are fun to find. Orions belt is part of the great hunter Orion; the big dipper is part of Ursa Major; the little dipper is part of Ursa Minor; and his tail is Polaris, the north star!!!
The trip for your outing and trinkets will be offset by the enjoyment and learning experience. This is a very worthwhile expense and will be remembered for years. Never stop learning. Kudos
I live frugal. Not super frugal, but I don't live a life of luxury. I guess for 1, it is not my personality nor my husband. I have a nice car because it gives me peace of mind knowing I wont be pumping gas into "surprise" repairs. I make a car payment anyways so Id rather just have the payment minus all the extra surprises. I don't have any kids, so we budget about $50-$75 in groceries each week. I definitely need to get better at budgeting. Any suggestions?

I think budgeting depends on what your goals are. If you're trying to save for something, that can be a focus. If you like to travel, it will make a difference.

Be realistic above everything. You can't spend more than you make.

We still have a teenager at home but I don't spend $50 a week on groceries. We raise most of our own food. But that's a different expense in the budget. So lifestyle has to be a budget item too.

A lot of people just think they can budget house and car payments and groceries and that will work, but life is more complicated than that and so are most peoples budgets even when they're frugal.

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