Just curious who else is living super frugal

In the interest of not getting a new vehicle and not having to pay a mechanic I changed my MAf sensor today. I told my husband I now hate our van more than I have ever hated anything in my life. Tomorrow I am going to try to change the o2 sensor. I am sure i will hate it more after that. My kids have both decided to marry mechanics so they never have to do this themselves. ( sigh)
If the O2 sensor is in the exhaust line (pipe going from the engine to the muffler), there is a special socket you can get from the auto parts store that has a slit down the side for the wire to go, so it can be taken off and installed easier with a socket wrench.
Girls make the best Advance Auto employees.
Ummm That would make me nervous as soap and cleaning formulas tend to leach into the plastic of those barrels
We use 4-5 a week at my job and I was going to take some home for feed and water storage and the distributor warned me against it because of the leaching possibilities. If the barrels held liquid food items then i would do it
be careful with rainwater catching.. some areas prohibit it (I know ridiculous, but that's government) Several cities in the Denver area I know prohibit it and will fine. As the "water rights" include rainfall as that water is slated to someone else further down the line.. or some such nonsense.
I tossed frugality out the window and called the mechanic down the road. I am taking it to him tomorrow. He is a pretty fair old man and I cry very easily so I am sure we will work something out. I spent most of my day today under the hood cussing and crying. I'll ask for forgiveness for the cussing after the blasted van is fixed. It was just too much for me to handle.

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