Just curious who else is living super frugal

Got pretty awful news today. My husbands company was bought and there is a HUGE possibility he will be let go before Christmas. The best possible scenario is that he has the job until a bit into the new year. I am working on getting a part time job. usually I just do tax during tax season but I will have to get a year round part time and a seasonal full time this year. A bit worried about homeschooling with all that but working through all that now.

Glad we have done so much to prepare for just this sort of thing. Upset and scared still though. We have never not had jobs. We have worked consistently for the last 20 years. Scary scary possibility now. Not much chance at all he will not lose his job from what they are saying so far. I guess my frugality is going to go up a notch.
BlueRidgeHillbilly is talking about stocking up in case the worst happens.
HeatherLynn is facing a hurdle.
My husband has been out of work for over a year now.
How many of you are preparing for "what if"?
I always prepare for the what if within our means. If I come across some really great coupons, I try to get my hands on as many of them as I can and stock up. Which it has been for the better so far. I can and freeze a lot of things, prefer to can though in case we lost power or our freezer quit.

I stocked up on laundry detergent last March and still have several bottles left, same with razors, shaving cream, toothpaste and toothbrushes, body wash, shampoo/conditioner, and Soap. I don't go crazy with my stockpiles- you have to think realistically and live within your means. These things have really came in handy the past few months. Everything keeps going up in price and we are spending so much more on the basics right now. We are really hurting for cash. DH gets paid today and after bills are paid I will have to figure out someway to budget $52 for the rest of the month
The rest will be for fuel. The $52 is usually about $160...so it is a big hurdle but I think we can do it. DH only gets paid once a month and it is never on the same date, so it makes bill paying really hard.

Hope we can sell some scrap, straw, and maybe DH can pick up some AC jobs...
Hey HeatherLynn,

Sorry to hear about your hubby. I am in the same boat with my job. We are unable to keep up payroll. It is just terrible. Good luck to you! Sounds like you are well prepared. I hope all will work out for you!

I have hoarder tendencies so my focus for a long time has been to avoid stockpiling anything. However - I am getting more and more worried about the future. I grew up in an area populated by LatterDaySaints and I always liked that they had an organized manner of stockpiling and rotating. I am thinking I might like to follow their example.
I won't speak for them but...anyone out there????
What I remember is that my friends' mothers had LARGE pantries. They had large bins of rice, beans, powdered milk, canned fruit, canned veg., dried onions...I could go on and on. Everything was neatly labeled and stored and they had calculated a year's worth of food for their families and because everything was dated, they used the old stuff up first etc. It was cold there so they also made sure they had a year's worth of wood stacked and ready to burn. I was just a kid so this is just what I remember. But I too would love it if any of you that do this jump in and give us some pointers.
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I'm not a latter day saint but all I do is date all of my canned goods (Home canning) and what I do purchase from the grocery store I mark it with a "use 1st" & "use 2nd" and so on, on the edge of the box. This way I know what to use first. When ever I can....I take out what I did last year and replace it with this years so I will use the older first. It's really simple. You just have to work with your storage area and what works for you.
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LDS have many resources that are available to non Mormons also, you can use their canneries and buy bulk from them without being a member, just contact a ward around you and they will tell you the information. Start researching food storage on Google and you will find MANY ideas for getting started.
Here is an LDS based site http://www.provident-living-today.com/food-storage.html
there are many survival aspects of storage: http://thesurvivalmom.com/instant-survival-tips/food-storage/ and many more out there, I just grabbed one I had looked at before.
I really like this one and this is what I based my program off of even though I am not Mormon they are experts on having a two year food supply to feed your family
Her name is Wendy Dewitt and she has videos on youtube and if you email her she will send you her written guide for food storage plan.

Best advice I have been given is store what you eat and eat what you store! Otherwise it will just go to waste.

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