Just curious who else is living super frugal

I think others thinking you are out of your mind goes with the territory. I am a bit of a joke here in my office. Just shrug it off. When you are right, you are right. And I am here to tell you you are right! But yes - this thread helps me remember I am not the only one in the world doing what I do. And here I feel in good company.
Ok ya'all I'm finally done with all 50 pages LOL I tried so hard to do it last night, but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer......... so finished now after hubby went to work at 9

Well my name is Kim, I live in NE Wisconsin, I lost most of the use of my 2 hands back in 2000, by working over the last 5 years before they broke, 2 full time jobs with Carpal tunnel because I couldn't afford to take off work LOL I could kick my own keester if I knew then what I know now, blew the nerves in both hands and now they do not work so well anymore so I have been retired on SSD since 2002, because I had so many problems with them after my surgeries, me and the docs, just gave up on trying to get them to work again. But since that awful day I got my first SSD check and it's what I made in a week just over 1100.00 and now I have to live a whole month on it, I could just cry.
Since then I have been trying to be more careful save, can, reduce, reuse and recycle, I have chickens, dogs, horses, and my son has 2 cats. I divorced in 2002, because I just could no longer keep up with my X's spending habits, without my income we were about to loose our house. He didn't garden, hell half the time he didn't even work, but he loved to spend my money, that was why I worked 2 full time jobs 80 hours a week. in the first place.... cuz I had to pay all the bills he loved so much to accumulate. Well I met a great new husband in 2002, and we were married in 2005. So I do have some great blessings in my life, he has 2 kids, I have 2 kids, and a grandson. We have a modest house in the country, that is killing us at the moment because Taxes and Insurance have tripled in the last 5 years. so has our payment, so even though we are trying hard to get ahead, we are actually getting a few steps behind, at the moment. So this thread is a life saver for me, because it has so many great idea's on it on how to do it yourself.
I have always been the do it your selfer, so has my new hubby, but some things are just so frustrating. Like outrageous mortgage companies, and ridiculous insurances. The price of food and necessities like flour, sugar, milk, eggs, toilet paper. lol
I HAVE THE EGGS COVERED NOW MY GIRLS ARE LAYING AND YESTERDAY I GOT 5 EGGS FROM MY 10 GIRLS, I also have 6 more pullets 12 weeks old waiting to get to be big girls. so will have 16 and 2 roo's when all is done, we butchered our extra roosters from the first batch, 10 so far, and have another 15 to go in a month or so. so will have some meat also. We hunt and fish though not as much as we would like, but Adam gets 2 days a week to play and help me work with critters and do all that is required to get done with critters. So we do what we can when we can, because for me too do it myself these days is sometimes just impossible.
My plan is too sell this house as soon as I can, but we currently owe more than it's worth thanks to this crap government, falling stocks, and over inflated prices. everyone loosing their homes ect. The garbage that makes me so crazy,
I'm also a conspiracy theorist, lol and I think it's all done on purpose to keep us poor simple and without recourse. But that's just MHO.
My children think as I stated, I have gone off the deep end, and think I'm nuts wanting chickens, goats, pigs, a huge garden that's very hard for me to take care of and believe me they don't help me at all but they eat it, cuz I'm nuts you know. He says we are broke because of the animals, well the horses are not really anything but my love for them, I wanted them my entire life and when I moved out here I got them, well I could work then and if absolutely necessary I will get rid of them but it will be a life or death decision, because I love them very much. In actuality it's because his father hasn't paid any support in 4 months again he works a couple months gets fired and runs out his unemployment, then sits on his ass drinking until I threaten to throw his arse in jail. / the economy/ my husband lost 20 cents in pay and his hours are not as good as they once were plus our insurance through his work doubled this year. and it's crap!!!!/ everything has tripled in the last few years, and we have had to use our credit cards more and more, which has incurred more dept, I don't have the money to pay. I also lost 750.00 dollars in income due to my fathers death in 09 and we have struggling ever since. My oldest would love nothing better than if we lost everything especially the animals. which 1 of the dogs is his because he lives in town and can't have pets in his apartment. He can keep crazy town, apartments, loud cars, traffic, hustle and bustle of city living . I HATED IT when I lived in town. At least here I have peace most of the time.
Our plan is too move off the grid, onto a cheap 20 acres, land locked preferred, in an underground house where the tax dept and money grubbers can't find us. If this will ever happen all my dreams would have come true and I guess that would be about the time I kick the bucket, but we are hopeful that day will be before this whole stinking mess blows up in the big shots faces. So now ya know a bit about my craziness, and I feel very at home in this thread though not everyone is as insane as I am hehehehe. TY for this great thread.
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I'm also a conspiracy theorist, lol and I think it's all done on purpose to keep us poor simple and without recourse. But that's just MHO.

I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist and I think this latest batch of crud has been totally done on purpose to herd the populous in a certain direction.

Heinlein's Razor - Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don't rule out malice.
One of the best ways that I have found to save money communicating is to buy a Tracfone from Walmart. You can buy the phone for about $20 bucks or so, not much. You buy so many minutes at a time and never get a bill in the mail. After using it for a while you can take advantage of special minute offers and get them really cheap. I never call anyone on my phone. It uses too many minutes for a call. However, you can send a long text message anywhere in the world and it only subtracts .3 minutes ( that is 3 tenths of one minute) for each text. A few hundred minutes last forever that way. If you have an emergency on the road then you can call for help. Otherwise, I only use it for texting.

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