Just curious who else is living super frugal

That's a great idea!
I was thinking of getting together with neighbors and friends here where we live and buy food stuffs in bulk. There is a shop here that supplies the local shops and their bulk prices are very good. I was thinking if we buy items like sugar or coffee, which we all buy, we can all save a lot of money: the mark up the shops add. Do you have a supplier like that in your area? Or maybe you could get those items on line as well? If a few families buy together you don't have to worry about storage:)
I had my DH to remove the clothes dryer. this was the latest reduction in our expenses. I put up some clothes lines in the back yard. I have been "dryer free" now for 3 months, and I love it. It took me a bit of convincing to get my DH to let the dryer go! I found my mom's old wooden clothes rack and we use it indoors in the winter to dry the clothes. It helps to keep the humidity up when we have the heat on.

DH installed a switch on the hot water heater, and we turn it off except for a few hours each day. We only buy clothes that are from thrift shops. All of my family loves to brag about the great things they find from the GW or yard sales. We started doing much of this 6 1/2 years ago, when my DH was severely injured in a work accident. Our "recession" began way ahead of the nation's problems. We got rid of our Satelite TV and sold a lot of our treasures that we had collected before the accident.

I used to go grocery shopping every week, now DH goes once each month. I rarely leave the farm. I am here most of the time taking care of the chickens, horses, dogs and rabbits. I sell poultry, eggs and homemade baked goods, jams and jellies from the farm.

We used to go horseback riding regularly to the various state parks in the mountains with our horse trailer. Ahh! We sold the trailer because gas is so high it is a major expense to go out of town with the horses.

We also used to eat out more often. Now we limit ourselves to once each month or less and we grow a small garden in the summer. We love tomato sandwiches.

I think our life has improved in many ways. We pray a lot more! We eat a lot less. We spend more time enjoying our grandchildren and children. At Christmas we had the most fun ever by having a Flea Market Christmas with our families. Each person brought a wrapped gift. The rule is that you have to bring something you already have. It can be something nice, or something crazy! Then we play the white elephant Game. It has been the biggest hit for our get togethers. It really takes the pressure off of gift buying.
We make homemade gifts for one another in the immediate family. We just keep things very simple.

I show my rabbits at local shows, and they are like children to me. They have been one of the nicest additions to my life. Because of them I never feel depressed or feel sorry for what I have lost. It has not been easy, I really miss those trips to the mountains. I dream about it quite often....................
I had my DH to remove the clothes dryer. this was the latest reduction in our expenses. I put up some clothes lines in the back yard. I have been "dryer free" now for 3 months, and I love it. It took me a bit of convincing to get my DH to let the dryer go! I found my mom's old wooden clothes rack and we use it indoors in the winter to dry the clothes. It helps to keep the humidity up when we have the heat on.

I completely agree about the humidity in the winter, it helps so much because the air is usually so dry inside the house. We got rid of our dryer about 3 years ago and I will never go back to using one. Here in Texas we're on our 79th day this year with over 100+ degree temps. The clothes dry outside in half the time they take in the dryer and it's free!​
Yay!!!!! We have been wanting a 4-5ft rototiller for behind the tractor for years now. We have been saving up to buy a brand new one in the spring. They are very, very hard to find used around here. And when you do see one on Craigslist, it only lasts for minutes. Well, to my surprise we were the first caller on a used one last night! Hubby went and picked it up this morning. And it was only 20 minutes away -- we didn't have to drive across the state to pick it up! The $675.00 price tag sure beats the $1600.00 price for a brand new one of the same brand!
Hope you don't think this is a silly question, but around here the Amish dry their clothes outside in the winter, too. Do the clothes completely dry or just freeze and don't dry all the way?
I'm thinking I need to make a change soon. Hubby is being stretched thin working 12 hours coming home and trying to get dinner on the table, kids bathed and in bed in two hours, get himself showered and then crashing into bed. I work second shift, so I get up with the kids, get them ready for daycare and get them there. Hubby needs some help. If I can get a third shift position, I would make more money but I could also come home after my shift, get the kids to daycare, and then go to sleep while they are in daycare. Then get dinner done, hubby can still pick up the kids and we can be a family again. Also third shift can be done in 4 -10 hour shifts, which having 3 days off is sounding better by the minute. I wish there was a way we could work seperate shifts and not put the kids in daycare, but with hubby working 10-12 hour days, we overlap too much. I pay same rate if they are at daycare for 3 hours or 8 hours. So why bother?

Not sure. Still thinking about it.

As far as frugal-ness. I plan on doing my own version of extreme couponing for things like our shampoo/conditioner, deoderant and laundry stuff. I pay standard price regardless when I need it, if I shop a bit smarter I can save a bit of money.

Great ideas everyone! Great grab chikeemmomma!
When we first bought this old house 8 years ago, there wasn't a dryer hook up in it. There were clothes lines all over half the cellar. So until DH was able to put an exhaust hose in, I was hanging all of the clothes. I have a dryer and a hook up now and only use it once a week when I wash our sheets due to only having one sheet set. It saves alot of money not using a dryer. I'll be purchasing a new sheet set soon to avoid the dryer altogether. The hints on this topic are great. Thank you all for sharing your money saving tips!
Hubby installed a personalized clothes line for me for the hallway when my dryer went out. It served me well after a year and I hang bedsheets and heavy comforters, towels shirts, etc. during the winter alot more to humidify the house and comforters during the summer when I do not want the sun to bleach the beautiful black watch plaid off of it. I've enjoyed having the clothes line outside running from a tree to carport post. Neighbor next to me complained and I told him so what! I'm going green LOL! However I do not hang undies, bras and shirts outside. Too many neighbors to see it LOL! Just the jeans, blankets, comforters is all they will see. I love the smell of air fresh sheets but my allergies don't like it too much. I'll put up with it LOL!

Bought three big six lb trays of ground beef at 1.79 a lb. Fried up two of the batch and now the next batch I will make hamburger patties out of it. Now if the roasts would go on sale but they have been priced upward of $3.45/lb for round rump roast that I can make roasts, BBQ sandwiches, fatitas and beef stew and beef tips.
Oh! I forgot to mention this great money saver! Many items that you need such as toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, automatic dish powder,etc. are usually 3.00 average or more at most stores. If you buy 10 items averaging 3.00 that is 30 bucks of course. If you can buy the at places like the Dollar Tree, you can save 20.00! I realize some of the items might not be as large quantity wise, however, 20.00 each month is over 200.00 a year you can save.
I have been doing this a lot lately too.
Love, Bunny

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