Just curious who else is living super frugal

I have shared this thread with a bunch of people I work with who do not even own chickens just because I found so much wonderful information here. My family and I have been growing our own vegetables and I make my own bread and clothes for the kids, and whatever else I can come up with, and now this year we're starting with the chickens, and you all have given me a lot more really good ideas, so thanks very much.
I finally made the homemade laundry soap (my current stock of laundry soap FINALLY ran out). It was truly too easy to be true. I will let you know how I like it.
Also made applesauce this weekend. Ingredients: Apples, cinnamon, water. Results: DELISH! I am going to make applesauce with my son's kindergarten class. I think they will love it - without added sugar.
I love this thread i hope it never ends!
I've been making mine for a couple of batches now and really like it. Works just as good as the bought stuff, and is easy and quick to make.
I had an awesome time making apple cider butter. Only a couple years ago it was standard for me to go to the u pick grab a few lbs of apples off the trees and then a few jars of apple butter. Well those 1/2 pint jars are close to $8 now.

So this year we went to the u pick and bought 40lbs of apples ( which for that many lbs there is a nice discount) Then I proceeded to make 16 pints of apple butter and 5 pints of apple cider jelly. Total cost under $32 ( not including the canning jars which I already had)

So for 2 pints and a few lbs of apples at the upick before i was paying roughly $37
This time I had 5 lbs eating apples 16 pints of apple cider butter and 5 pints of apple cider jelly $37

I came out way ahead I think. The canning book had me throwing out the 'cider' used when I was making the apple butter ( I used 100 apple juice with mulling spices to be a bit cheap) Instead of tossing all that beautiful liquid I added the remaining juice, sugar, and more spices and sat stirring for like 30 min. The apple cider jelly is like a deep reddish amber. Its beautiful and yummy.

Considering heading back and seeing if I can gather enough for my own apple sauce. I still have plenty of Jars left thanks to donations from some older folks who no longer can.
Super frugal is in the eye (and life style) of the beholder. The following is a true story:

OldGal (my wife of 30+ years) once had a small business cleaning peoples homes. She charged between $35 - $45 a week. One of the homes she did was that of a couple we knew from a club we belonged to. One day OldGal received a phone call from the wife informing her that they were going to have to cancel her service.

"We're sorry" she said, "but the price of West Texas oil has dropped and our income has been cut in half. We're going to have to sell the ski lodge in Utah. Our income has been cut in half. We're going to have to sell one of our cars. Our income has been cut in half..."

She continued in this vein for about 5 minutes and OldGal said she was really starting to feel sorry for them until the woman said, "Why we don't know how we're going to get by on $10,000 a month."
Jeez some people just have no idea do they!??? I have not been able to work due to my health for the last two years and we have been able to save money still. I know folks who are both working and earning a small fortune but at the same time spending and wasting tons! My own sisters hubby throws food away on its best before date even if never opened!I have them give stuff to us for the chickens,but a lot we freeze or eat ourselves as its too good to waste-they think we are crazy! I also use family cloth for urine only and think its great.To think of the money I wasted on all that toilet tissue in the past!Keep up the great tips everyone.This thread is an inspiration.
I've been making mine for a couple of batches now and really like it. Works just as good as the bought stuff, and is easy and quick to make.

We started making our own laundry soap a couple years ago. It seemed to work just as well as store bought for awhile. Gradually, I noticed that my whites just were'nt as white any more. On top of that, I developed an allergic reaction to it, and was constantly covered in hives. I really thought I had a bad case of poison ivy, and it took me way to long to figure out the real problem, since it took a couple washings to get the irritant out of my clothes.
The same thing happens to me when I use the detergents with the dyes and perfumes. I itch to all get out. I have to purchase the detergents that are FREE of dyes and perfumes. I wonder if home made detergent will make me react the same way that you did.

I would hate to make a big ole batch and have to get rid of it because I have a break out.

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