Just curious


Mar 24, 2020
So just wondering what some of you guys favorite treats, toys, brands of things, meds, anything. Just trying to get some ideas to help me asking in my chicken journey
My chickens love corn, watermelon, lettuce, zucchini’s, and cucumber. Though we do give them other treats to (along with they’re normal seed).

I provide my chickens with a dust bath, and lots of places to jump and dig. The only toy I gave my chickens is a chicken swing they never use (most likely because they’re Silkies). I have this area under they’re coop that I’ve put a wind proof cover on that they LOVE to hang out in.
You can sort of see what I mean in this photo.

If you don’t have Epsom salts get some. They’re very good for helping with chickens feet.
Yogurt? That's interesting to me. I absolutely agree on fresh vegetables and fruits sometimes but why yogurt? What is it needed for?

Yogurt contains calcium. Calcium is what egg shells are made from. Yogurt is actually very beneficial to hens. When feeding your hens yogurt I recommend mixing it with something like oats, it makes less mess.
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I use yoghurt , water and a bit of apple cider vinager to mix the fine left overs of the chicken feed crumble.
The chickens think its a treat.

A sandbath is a must have. To ‘wash’ their skin and to get rid of some parasites. Just a corner with dry sand will do. But you can fill up a big crate with playground or clean construction sand too. Putting ashes or diatomaceous earth in it helps the chickens even better.

I made branches in the run for them to jump on/sit on. Especially the younger chickens like them.

The 8 chickens have 3 bowls with feed to avoid arguing over dinner. And 3 waterers to avoid problems if one up or malfunctioning

And I have an automatic door to lock the chickens in the coop right after sunset until the sun is up. To keep them safe at night and this way they dont have yto stay in s small coop with 8 hens for a long time. And I don’t have to get up at 5-6-7-8 in the morning to release them.
Handy for vacations too when the neighbours chicken-sit (come over once a day to feed them).

My chickens free range a couple of hours a day in our garden (without pesticides) . They enjoy it and Its great for their health to be able to eat fresh food . I love to see their natural behaviour.

I like to address their needs and make it comfortable for me. Spilling money on toys and treats is not my style. But they do get dried mealworms out of my hand occasionally.. Like now when some chickens are moulting. One chicken is moulting badly, she gets a few more of these nutritious and tasty mealworms and loves me for it.
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I add apple cider vinegar to one of their waterers. 1 Tbs per gallon. I add electrolyte powder to another and I see them use both. They love watermelon rinds, pumpkin, cucumbers, greens ( like marked down salad mix or spinach) beet tops etc.
Meds I bought some Vetricyn to have on hand . If farm store is not close there might be some other things to have on hand. How many chickens do you have?
aart, eggcessive , 3 killerBs, 21hens - in charge? Thoughts what about CoRid, blue kote anything else?

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