Just flew in!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 22, 2011
Hello everyone!
After 3 years of waiting I'm FINALLY getting my chickens this year!
So instead of stalking, I thought I'd finally introduce myself. I live in Central PA, and have for about 2 years. I have a few children, and a very handy husband. Dh is the green thumb, and likes to grow something new every year. I like to grow wild flowers - dh calls them weeds. We are getting used to the soil here and have been working hard (and breaking tools and our backs) the last 2 years to improve the quality.

Why the 3 year wait on chickens? We moved, and then moved again. Now we are settled, and there's no more excuses. Dh and I just need to agree on a number of chicks to start with. I want to start with a dozen right away, and dh thinks 3 will be good.

I haven't found the right place to see how to protect against specific predators. We have seen: fox, skunk, raccoon, and hawks. I know we've got our work cut out for us on that end. I'm hoping someone can give me some direction on where that info might be hiding.

Check out the coop forum. Hardware cloth, strong fasteners, good latches, and a wire apron around the coop and run are your friends.

Or get a couple of dogs and train them to leave the chickens alone, and let your chickens go where they want.

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