Just found this site today and decided to join.


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2016
Austin, Texas
I no longer am able to raise chickens due to health. I joined because this brings back so many wonderful memories of raising chickens and rabbits as a kid learning from my Dad. So if you folks don't mind I would like to live vicariously through your stories and perhaps once and a while I can contribute some of my experiences of the wonderful times I had with my girls and boys!
Greetings @ChickEndOut from the front range in Colorado! Glad you joined us, and welcome! So sorry you can't participate directly anymore... that's too bad
Please feel free to join in whenever you feel the desire to! I'm sure you'll have something of value to offer! Make yourself at home!
Greetings @ChickEndOut
from the front range in Colorado! Glad you joined us, and welcome! So sorry you can't participate directly anymore... that's too bad :( Please feel free to join in whenever you feel the desire to! I'm sure you'll have something of value to offer! Make yourself at home!
Hiya! I know that I was so excited to find this site, so much information, so I am sure you'll love it, being more familiar with chickens. The photo galleries are just incredible and so dang big!
Hi and a very warm welcome to BYC. Whilst its sad that you are no longer able to raise chickens yourself, i sincerely hope that this site and its members bring back fond memories for you. Theres threads on lots of things, including rabbits, goats, bees, baking - you name it - BYC's got it!

All the best
You are most welcome here. BYC even has a section for "Pictures and stories of my chickens," If you like you can post photos there and tell stories about the birds you used to have. A lot of folks are unable to have birds for one reason or another. BYC also have threads for hobbies like gardening, knitting, etc. There are also chat groups - where the topics changes constantly - sometimes it's even about chickens.

You are certainly welcome to join in on all the chicken chat and social happenings around here. Believe me, you won't be the only member without birds...it happens for various reasons. Since you have experience with poultry, you might have plenty of tips to pass on too.

Make yourself at home, it's nice to have you here!

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