Just hatched my own eggs for the first time! pics added!


11 Years
Nov 21, 2008
Canton, Texas
I set 2 dozen of my own eggs and so far I have 7 hatched and 3 more pips and it is only day 21. :jumpyIt is very cool to see my own chicks and try to figure out which one goes with wich hen. I have 2 blue splash wyandottes, 3 silver laced wyandottes, one blue splash roo, 2 EE's, 1 buckeye, and 4 BO hens, and BO roo. so, they will be barnyard mixes. But, boy are they colorful. I will get some fluffly pix loaded today.
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How fun!

If you know which hens lay which eggs you can label them carefully with a pencil and at lockdown separate them in the bator by using plastic mesh or hardware cloth. That way you'll know who came from who.
I wanna see!! I wanna see!!! **Settles in for the great picture wait**
'Specially when they're mutts! Just cuter in my opinion.
Congrats on your first hatch! I can hardly wait to build my bator and put some eggs in it!
Somehow, it's just more exciting when you are hatching eggs your birds laid! I think the chicks behave differently toward me in the brooder, but...maybe that's just me! Congratulations!
I am working on the pics as we speak. I like the idea if seperating the eggs, the only problem is the BO eggs and the Wyandotte eggs are identical. And of course, all the hens perfer one nesting box to the other 7. I am up to 14 hatched
, although I did loose 2.

Do you think I am crazy, but with eggs coming everyday- I just might keep the bator running 24/7.

The bator I used this time is a hovabator from my county extension agent. I used this one last year and had really great hatching rates and it was easy. In December I used my friends little giant still air and did not have good hatching rates. All the eggs each time were from the same fellow. So, I am now looking for a hovabator- forced air- of my very own

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