Just have to vent for a second! WITH PICS!

I don't think she's ugly. Odd-looking, yes, but ugly, no. Turkens, on the other hand . . .

Silkies are pretty cute but I did have to look at that first pic for a second at first I thought she was standing crooked like a downsyndrome chicken... but realized that it's a pic from her backside w/her looking around and changed my mind. She's aweful adorable! Just want to pick her up and snuggle her on my cheek!!!
I think she's beautiful! just last night I was at my inlaws and running around was the EE rooster I gave them and they were all saying hes sooo cool & funny but hes sooo ugly! I corrected them too! I think he is BEAUTIFUL with all the autum colors!
Ack! I am not a silkie fan, per se, but they're not ugly! They're just different from ordinary chickens, kinda special.

But look at these names! Roadkill, Oddball, Swiffer- none of those names are helping the cause!

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