just how stupid are they....


8 Years
Feb 18, 2011
Do too some roo inflicted injuries my boy is in solitary pending move to farm
this is the first night that he has not been with his girls. they usually put themselves away at night, but tonight they seem a little lost... To make matters worse, it is RAINING! and they are all just standing around in the rain like they can;t figure out what to do.... I just threw a few handfuls of scratch into the coop to encourage them to head in there. It just cracks me up that they actually do not have the sense to come in out of the rain....
My bantam rooster will just sit on the steps in the pouring rain waiting for Mommy (That would be me.
) to come rescue him.
We spend all that time and money on a nice coop and this is how they thank us...
Hey, I got a Dom. hen who is in the coop on the nest box all the time. She isn't laying just afraid of the roos i guess.

I've had newbies stick there heads between the steps and the coop or just pile up on the steps cuz they can't figure out how to get back in.
My girls were smart enough to refuse to go back into their run and coop the night after a possum got in the coop and tried to get them.

I thought that was pretty darn smart.

They were out in the yard scratchin' and catchin' and just before dark they all headed over to the run as usual. EXCEPT, this time they get to the door and stand there looking in. Nobody would go in. So, I decided to play the roo role and stepped into the run thinking they would follow me in as per the routine. No way! They just stood there and looked at me like "Not a chance we're going in there, buddy!"

Then they turned around and started roosting on anything they could find--outside the run.

I just started laughing and caught them one by one and delivered them to their fully secure coop.

It took about four days before they got back to normal.

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