Just J party. GAME OVER

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The first time my in-laws (thick texan accent) met my parents (australian accent), I had invited everyone to a BBQ/pool party.
So, my MIL has large tear ducts or something, and she can blow bubble out of her eyes underwater. We're all hanging out in the pool and naturally, my father in law says "Amy, show them how you can blow bubbles out your eyes!" Except his accent made it sound like "out your ahhs," which to an australian sounds a lot like "ass."
"Amy, show them how you can blow bubbles out your ass!"
So that's how my parents thought I was marrying into some real country bumpkin folks who fart in people's pools as a party trick.
And on another level, they're all very conservative and would never swear like that, especially in front of new in-laws. Everyone was incredibly flustered. We had a great laugh. 😂
OMG 😂🤣😂 were they like mortified or did they try to laugh and not think your in laws were total freaks!? 😂🤣
Okay crew - looks like I picked the wrong night to do "life stuff." I missed all the fun. I've caught up now, just in time to sign off for bed. The story of my life, these days! I'll catch up again, tomorrow, I guess.

Oh - and for my two cents ... Mare's hair shows a bit of "leftover red-head" for sure ... but that doesn't really count, anymore. Now, if she were to freshen it up a bit?

(and Mare - your hair is gorgeous ... in ANY color!)
I might go to sleep soon too or at least go watch a bit of TV first. Especially after throughly embarrassing myself tonight multiple times 😂🤣😜
Good morning
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